We byke with 3 reviews
Alright first up is
Woman In Black 2: bigger and blacker
This is a 2014 film with a 22% RT score
I had seen the first one starring harry potter,cant remember much except that I thought it was meh. Surprised to find out the first one made 127 million. Even more surprised it took this long for a sequel. They slashed the budget to 1 million on this one and it kinda shows. Not that a low budget is a bad thing in this genre. Anyway, this is a pretty generic haunted house film. It has some really nice atmosphere due to the filming location wuth a understated dread which lead to 1 or 2 moderately effective jump scares. Beyond that theres not much meat on its bone. Story is straight forward no real surprises. It wasnt horrible,just boring and safe. A clear cash grab.
Neeeeext up I watched
Area 51
This is a 2015 film with a 20% RT score.
This one was notable because it was written and directed by oren peli,whos name has become synonymous with horror due to how much he produces. But funny enough this is his first actual film he made since paranormal activity. Now Im a fan of the first PA so this was on my

list. Its as you might guess a found footage film. The story is basic,a few friends have decided they are going to break into area 51 and record it. The first hour of the film is pretty boring to be honest as its all set up. The last 30 minutes or so is when they actually get inside. This one just didnt work for me. The characters were bland and forgettable. The first hour contains no suspense or well done build up. The last 30 minutes get moderately interesting I suppose buts its just so full of found footage tropes that its

Theres maybe 1 scene with an effective tone. The ending is abrupt and unfufilling.
And lastly,thankfully after 2 duds I decided to hit the horror comedy sub genre up because Ive had a huge success rate thus far in my quest.
I watched
The Revenant (No Leo

This is a 2009 film with a 56% RT score

Alright as said this is a horror comedy. The main character is killed in Iraq or wherever. A few days after his funeral he comes back to life and goes to see his best friend. They figure out he has to drink blood to survive and he is a Revenant. Best friend that he is,he assists his friend in finding this blood. After a few

hair brained schemes they eventually find their groove as vigilantes who kill criminals for their blood. I wont spoil too much from there but certain scenes had me in tears of laughter. Scenes reminded me of a satire of boondock saints. Seeing a dead guy robbing drug dealers to drink his blood and do his coke had me

. The movie then goes beyond that and actually surprised me and kept me on my toes sort to speak with the twists and turns. Suffice to say I loved this one. It was hilarious and had some pretty grotesque scenes.
Until the next episode