I started yesterday
100. Eraserhead (1977)

I'm glad I'm not getting any play at the moment. David Lynch did an amazing job of portraying the horrors of unplanned pregnancy. Imagine getting your partner preggo and you guys weren't feeling each other like THAT. From meeting the parents to having the baby I just felt uneasiness and tangled anxiety throughout the whole film. The horror of the baby being born and there's nothing you can do except grow up and be a man.
You don't see this type of approach to horror anymore.
Reading about the actor bro was a full-on alcoholic. RIP
99. Night of the Demons (2009)
This movie was so ass. Disturbingly outrageously ass. I loved it.
You expect me to shyt on a movie that has Shannon Elizabeth and Edward Furlong? nikka Please

It's crazy to see the second half of their acting careers. Both play in a bunch of no-named movies and series. Hollywood is brutal because with their resumes, and with Shannon Elizabeth's beauty, you would expect these guys to be in shyt all the time. I feel like both would be welcomed in the horror community with open arms.
This was a sad attempt at a reboot of Night of the Demons. Besides Shannon and Edward, the acting in this was porn levels. The story itself sucked. shyt the final girl was ass. No black people either even tho the OG did.
But I can't lie it was fun. It's one of those horror movies you like knowing it's trash af.
Also, 2000s cheesy horror doesn't hit like 80s cheesy horror. I don't how to explain it other than that I can respect a cheesy horror movie from back in the day where as I'm looking at current ones funny af.