Essential The Official Coli Horror Film Thread: Discussion, Recommendations And Murder.


the fukkery, the sweet ,sweet fukkery
May 19, 2012


May 23, 2012
Thank god I waited for Night Swim to hit streamers and didn't go to the movies for it. I cut it off halfway through; maybe I'll try to finish it at some point. But a killer swimming pool is about as scary as a killer elevator or tire, but without the inherent comedy that comes with elevator/tire kills.

I don't get how it got a theatrical release at all.


May 23, 2012
Desperately seeking a new and decent horror movie...I've got these two in the queue as my hail maries, with low expectations.

The Bigfoot Trap dropped on Paramount. I never find Bigfoot horror scary, but it's a horror genre full of campy stuff, and some of it has been shockingly entertaining. It's also been good for meta-stuff; found-footage Big Foot movies are golden. The Bigfoot Trap isn't found footage, but it's about a dude who interviews conspiracy theorists for laughs on youtube.

And Tubi has a pretty cool premise, but since it's a Tubi Original...we're just gonna pray it's not complete crap.

It's got some nice-looking costuming, and an excuse to make you paranoid about who is and isn't the killer. But the riddle thing feels like it's more likely to be corny than good. It's the Tubi of it all that saps my enthusiasm.


May 23, 2012
Desperately seeking a new and decent horror movie...I've got these two in the queue as my hail maries, with low expectations.

The Bigfoot Trap dropped on Paramount. I never find Bigfoot horror scary, but it's a horror genre full of campy stuff, and some of it has been shockingly entertaining. It's also been good for meta-stuff; found-footage Big Foot movies are golden. The Bigfoot Trap isn't found footage, but it's about a dude who interviews conspiracy theorists for laughs on youtube.

Here's my follow-up.
Big Foot Trap is bad. It had an opening that made me think they'd embrace the camp. Then it slipped into taking itself way too seriously with mid-tier acting and an obviously low budget. To save you time, i'll reel off plot beats and you can jump in if any of this grabs you.
- We open up with a group trying to hunt Big Foot. This ends with one of the only two non-white characters in the entire movie getting grabbed up and Hulk Smashed by a Big Foot.

- Cut to our MC. He's a man who makes YouTube clips in which he interviews conspiracy theorists and embarrasses them. He's on the rise at his YouTube channel, which apparently is run like a big-time company. His CEO sends him to the Big Foot Hunters, who've built a trap to catch him.

- MC meets the Big Foot Hunters. One's a big guy but a nice fella. His partner is an a$$hole.

- We get some generic Big Foot Hunting. They tap rocks on trees, and hear taps back. Then they go to the trap, basically an outhouse in the woods with some meat in it. There's a trip wire along the floor, so it's basically this but bigger

- MC hears Big Foot mucking about outside his tent and tries to get a shot of him. But Big Foot catches him filming and only leaves when the Nice Big Foot Hunter fires a rifle. Nice Guy won't shoot at Big Foot though, because Big Foot didn't mean any harm...he was just making growling noises outside the tent, no threat whatsoever.

- MC still isn't buying it. Nice Guy is worried he'll look like a fool. His operation is barely keeping it together thanks to T-Shirt sales and the last thing they want is a goofy Youtube video mocking them. So Nice Guy talks a$$hole into putting on a Big Foot costume to convince MC. a$$hole does some coke (big mistake).

- Nice guy brings MC back into the woods one last time. a$$hole rolls up dressed like Big Foot, but that nose candy has him too hyper. He charges at MC and Nice Guy. Nice Guy stands on business, grabbing the rifle and blasting the Big Foot...only to find out it was the a$$hole all along.

- Nice Guy freaks out. He blames the MC and locks him in the Trap. Then he goes to bury the a$$hole, but first we get some backstory. a$$hole only got into drug dealing because no one would accept him...because he's gay (I'm not kidding). Nice Guy was an outcast because he wore Big Foot shirts. Thus, their friendship was born. But now the MC shot the drug dealer aka the Nice Guy's best friend.

- Nice Guy goes to bury the drug dealer in the woods where no one will ask for his whereabouts because everyone else hates him. Partially because of drug dealing but also because of homophobia, probably. So he's hiding his dead best friend in a shallow grave in the Big Foot woods. He also left all the tech stuff with MC in the trap so MC could edit the footage and cover up the murder.

- Nice Guy does the rest of the coke. Meanwhile, MC uses the tech to call the cops. They send one uniformed officer into the woods.

- Nice Guy kills the cop. Then, for revenge, he decides to leave the MC trapped in the box to die of's not like there's an abandoned cop car nearby or a recent 911 call from that area. This will definitely work.

- Nice Guy finishes his revenge by shooting himself.

- There are 10 minutes left in this movie and we haven't seen Big Foot do anything since the opening. But Big Foot finally makes it in time for the MC to escape the trap and run away. The Big Foot chase is hilarious. If they replaced the entire rest of the movie with this Big Foot chasing people like this, it'd be an A-1 Schlock film.

- Anyway, MC escapes. He learned his lesson. The Drug Dealer and the Big Foot Hunter that left him for dead in a trap in the woods weren't bad guys. They were misunderstood. So, he quits his youtube job mocking conspiracy theorists and begins a new a big foot hunter.

I generally try to find positives with all this stuff. People put hard work into movies, and budget constraints can make things tough. But this was bad enough that I got mad. It's not "so bad it's good," it's "so bad it's insulting." The two leads put effort into their acting, that's my one positive compliment.

I'm mad. I never expect a Tubi original to be much, but Guess Who has a great shot to at least be better than this. We'll see...


the fukkery, the sweet ,sweet fukkery
May 19, 2012
Here's my follow-up.
Big Foot Trap is bad. It had an opening that made me think they'd embrace the camp. Then it slipped into taking itself way too seriously with mid-tier acting and an obviously low budget. To save you time, i'll reel off plot beats and you can jump in if any of this grabs you.
Thanks Breh

@storyteller did that...

so hopefully we would not have to go through that :blessed:

I'm a sucker for low budget Bigfoot movies
(except found footage, If i change my username it would be Anti Found Footage)
A few years back for Halloween I called myself watching a bigfoot Movie a day
Halloween Bigfoot Fukkery
Saw a lot of bad ones , but there were some gems that stood out.