Current watch - seance - shudder. I like it- throwback to the Urban Legend type movies.
I went to a private Catholic junior high school - we had a sleepover/field trip. Idk why it was a thing among white girls to pull out a oujia board like it’s regular shyt. We had Asian, black, Puerto Rican girls there but it was always the white girls wanting us to do weird ouija, seance-y type games. And their parents letting them have occult “games” around the house like it’s normal or for fun. I knew from an early age not to play with that demonic board- told my dad to come pick me back up ASAP. All I know is years later when I was in college - I heard some messed up stories through the grapevine about what happened to the girls participating at the party; always wondered if an evil presence really did latch themselves on to them.
I’m not going to post the series of events (for privacy purposes) bc it made the news headlines; can be easily looked up so I’m not opening up that box bc of how violent/gruesome it was, and the other girls had misfortune in their lives before they were even 25. It’s disturbing sometimes to think in my memory/flashbacks of being chatty laughing little girls getting detention in school together for talking during choir, not knowing their future selves would end up with mental problems, death, and other unfortunate situations. I also think their was a ghost in that school or it was cursed- didn’t help that their was a graveyard in back of the school either. I wonder if this also contributed to my interest in this genre - haunted Catholic school, Nuns, dead priests, German teacher who had us learning German language for whatever reason- hold up, I think I’ve triggered something in my memory that was surpressed typing this out. Wtf
my parents unknowingly enrolling me in a MK Ultra mind control conformist school disguised as an “academically gifted” religious academy