That was one of my main issues with Zombie's treatment of Michael Myers.
Spending half the movie trying to make excuses for his insanity due to being from a shytty white trash family full of whores, strippers and drunks was stupid.
Carpenter was correct that it is much more frightening to not have any specific reason for Michael's evil. He was a white kid from a happy suburban middle class family and that "normal" upbringing makes what Michael ended up being so much worse.
And it was accomplished without heavy handed writing/direction or hacky use of "Love Hurts" in the background.
I also have some serious, serious issues with how Zombie claims to be a huge Carpenter fan and of Halloween specifically, yet made a Halloween movie full of needless gore and nudity, explaining things that were specifically unexplained and key for not being explained in the original, and forgoing the long, steady tracking shots in favor of quick cuts and shaky cam. RZ's Halloween is an antithesis to the spirit of the original on every level. 2 is even worse.
Shots like these:

simply do not exist in the Zombie movies on any level.
Any of y'all seen Psycho 2? It's actually really good. Almost on the level of the original, imo. I didn't even know it existed until last year when I watched it for the site. There are two further sequels that are

Psycho II (1983)