Thank you-

Thank you-perfect execution. I appreciate the thought
New PARANORMAL ACTIVITY Hits Paramount+ This Year
New PARANORMAL ACTIVITY Hits Paramount+ This Year
Blumhouse’s new Paranormal Activity movie is in the works. And today we hear it will be released on Paramount+ by the end of the year.
I didn’t at first - I didn’t start really watching the franchise until years later after the hype had downed down, then I watched the franchise in succession.I love this franchise
I didn’t at first - I didn’t start really watching the franchise until years later after the hype had downed down, then I watched the franchise in succession.
Didn’t help that my brother said the house that I live in now, looks like the house from Paranormal Activity - he said I’m going to come down to the kitchen late at night and see my chairs upside down and dishes flying out the cabinets. He reminds me about that shyt every other week - coincidentally the house has the same type of garage and house alarm.
Couldn’t make this up if I tried. He tells my other brothers and thinks it’s funny- i do not
the problem is ——
they’re not lying
moved back in December- and never saw the house in person bc pandemic, dealt directly with the original owner via pics and electronically until the inspection. My dad and them feel a need to mention - how my house is built and the set up looks like the house from PA- teasing me incessantly. Been treating me like I’m 12 years old for the past 20 or so years. It’s stop being funny or “jokes” when they know I’m a whole adult and mother on my dolo - yet they still laugh at making me feel uneasy like their little sister back in our parent’s house.
straight up jerk moves on their part - verizon fios has a reward for a complimentary “echo show” and the “ring home surveillance”system to new customers via amazon, it was free, so I copped it for the house. they also think that’s amusing enough to find the irony.
I haven’t set it up yet bc now I’m paranoid about catching something on camera - the cycle continues
I sure you have nothing to worry about unless you got witches in your family.
I love this franchise