Just stop, Netflix - please stop making and/or distributing bad horror movies. I will actually pay nextflix a monthly subscription increase for not pushing these gahhhbage excuses for horror movies. Not only that but it was oddly racist. Worst piece of shyt movie to be distributed during quarantine next to WW84

Went into this movie thinking if The Wicker Man and Midsommar were merged this would be the “b“ movie byproduct, but came out thinking that it’s more like if this was written by Eli Roth’s untalented emo doppelgänger, Elies Froth; purposely to insult the entire culture and history of Thailand under guise of a horror movie bc he came back from a bad vacation there and ran out ideas at the end of a coke binge so he just called in the conclusion - anyone watching this, prepare for your own slow death. Acting is bad, story is bad, it’s just bad. Not even watchable bad - not even $5.00 vhs og era blockbuster video closing/$2.99 CVS movie bin bad/7-eleven Redbox bottom of the row section bad but worse. This movie is NOTHING like the description or how it was promoted. Nada. I should have known when the opening title was in Times New Roman font that it was going to be some bullshyt.