Essential The Official Coli Gun Owners Thread

Son Goku

Great Sage Equalling Heaven
Jun 19, 2019

Detroit Tow truck driver shoots, kills suspect trying to rob him​

FAAFO season in full swing.
Wow Christmas

And of course old cac wanted to talk greasy but not show his face.
Mjpls Christmas


Politics is an EXCHANGE!!!
May 25, 2012
DMV Freedman

Illinois House passes assault weapon ban, bill goes to Pritzker for signature


Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker said the bill is "one I will be proud to sign."

Author: Kelsi Anderson (KSDK), Mark Maxwell, Associated Press
Published: 3:49 PM CST January 10, 2023
Updated: 5:05 PM CST January 10, 2023

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The Illinois House voted 68-41 to pass a ban on semiautomatic weapons Tuesday afternoon. The bill now heads to the desk of Gov. J.B. Pritzker, who has said he will sign it into law.
The legislation would ban the manufacture or possession of dozens of brands and types of rapid-fire rifles and pistols, .50-caliber guns and some attachments. The law will allow gun owners to keep the guns they have now, but will require them to register them with the state.

Illinois gun manufacturers can continue to make assault weapons and sell them to suppliers in other states, but may not sell them to buyers in Illinois under the new proposal.

The vote came down mostly along party lines, though outgoing Republican leader Jim Durkin voted for the assault weapons ban. Rep. Deanne Mazzochi, who lost in November, did not record a vote, though she argued against the bill in floor debate.

After the bill passed the Senate, Pritzker released the following statement:
“For a long time now, I and many other leaders in the Illinois General Assembly have prioritized getting the most dangerous weapons off our state’s streets. Today, honoring the commitment we made, we passed one of the strongest assault weapons bans in the nation, one I will be proud to sign.

"No Illinoisan, no matter their zip code, should have to go through life fearing their loved one could be the next in an ever-growing list of victims of mass shootings. However, for too long people have lived in fear of being gunned down in schools, while worshipping, at celebrations or in their own front yards. This legislation will stop the spread of assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, and switches and make our state a safer place for all. I look forward to signing this bill immediately, so we can stop the sale of these deadly weapons as soon as possible.

"My deepest thanks to Speaker Welch and Senate President Harmon for championing this historic legislation, and to Representative Morgan for his leadership on this issue.”

U.S. Sen. dikk Durbin (D-IL) also wrote in support of the bill on Twitter, saying "I strongly support this common sense reform, which will help protect our families & kids from the epidemic of gun violence. Military-style weapons have no place in our neighborhoods."

Critics warn the governor’s signature will trigger court challenges which will ultimately overturn the law as a violation of the 2nd Amendment.

“A government willing to defy our Constitution is a government that is completely out of control. So you can sit here and dictate whatever you want today...," said Rep. Blaine Wilhour, a Republican from Beecher City, 97 miles northeast of St. Louis. “But I can tell you that we will not comply and you’re not going to do a darn thing about it because the law, the Constitution and the founding principles are on our side.”

Republican State Sen. Darren Bailey, who represents Illinois' 55th District and ran a losing bid against Pritzker in 2022, made the following statement on Twitter: "I’ll die on my front porch before anyone takes my guns away. My message to Springfield: If you want my guns, come get them."

The bill would still allow people to keep the banned weapons on their private property.
Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch introduced his mother, Willie Mae Welch, who was with him on the House floor. Welch told how, as a teenager in 1985, his mother's sister was fatally shot while sitting in a car outside her church. Welch's aunt had three young girls. His parents, despite having three boys of their own, took them in. No assailant was ever apprehended.

“It’s time that we protect Illinois communities,” Welch said. “It’s time that we protect Illinois families. Let’s end families having to change overnight. Let’s not lose any more brothers and sisters, children to gun violence.”

Welch, a Democrat from the Chicago suburb of Hillside, took the lead on the measure from the original sponsor, Rep. Bob Morgan, a Democrat from suburban Deerfield who was participating in the Highland Park parade when the shooting began.

Eight states and the District of Columbia currently have bans on semiautomatic weapons, according to Tanya Schardt, working in favor of the legislation for the Brady Campaign. They differ in their definitions of semiautomatic weapons, but generally, they ban 10-round clips for both long guns and handguns. They've survived constitutional challenges in scores of courts, she said.


Dec 2, 2015
Recent fed court rulings all but neutured this rule from the beginning.

Bump stock ruling literally said they cant argue this rule under chevron because it creates legal penalty and chevron does t cover that. So if i had a brace i would simply keep quiet not register and wait for this to be blocked and the atf struck down again.


Politics is an EXCHANGE!!!
May 25, 2012
DMV Freedman
Recent fed court rulings all but neutured this rule from the beginning.

Bump stock ruling literally said they cant argue this rule under chevron because it creates legal penalty and chevron does t cover that. So if i had a brace i would simply keep quiet not register and wait for this to be blocked and the atf struck down again.

It seems like the ATF does not pay attention to these Court Rulings. They still try to make laws and change already established definitions of terms relating to firearms.

A few years ago they said braces are cool, then do a 180 and now anything with a brace is an SBR.


I fukking hate them.
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Screwed up... till tha casket drops!!
Aug 5, 2012
The Bronx ➡️ New England
this is one of my pet crusades so it's nice to see more progress being made since the rounds of bruen amici. if a felon's served their time they should have *all* their rights restored, especially the nonviolent ones convicted of "crimes" which should've never been a felony in the first place.
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Dec 2, 2015
this is one of my pet crusades so it's nice to see more progress being made since the rounds of bruen amici. if a felon's served their time they should have *all* their rights restored, especially the nonviolent ones convicted of "crimes" which should've never been a felony in the first place.
I agree the states could fix this like texas does, but if it takes the fed to do it even better.

Serving time is the punishment if all time has been served all rights are to be restored period.


Screwed up... till tha casket drops!!
Aug 5, 2012
The Bronx ➡️ New England
Documents Show FBI and ATF Warrantless Surveillance Through Gun Background Checks
Monitoring During Chauvin Verdict

One of the documents from the FOIA shows an ATF agent requesting NICS monitoring for a man attempting to buy a shotgun in Minnesota 30 minutes after the guilty verdict for former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin for murdering George Floyd.

The agent did not even claim in the April 20, 2021 email that his suspect could be a straw purchaser. He just said he may use a gun for rioting.

The ATF agent wrote that the request for monitoring the man was due to his “‘behavior and appearance” at the gun store. He wrote that the suspect had his “hood up, acting strange, and making statements of ‘do anything to get the shotgun tonight’ are indicative of influencing an [Federal Firearm Licensee] and obtaining a firearm for nefarious purposes.”
Suspicion Over Women Buying Shotguns

Another form shows the ATF had the FBI monitoring NICS in 2021 for a black male suspect because he “stated he was purchasing the firearms to provide to female family members during the COVID-19 quarantine.” The agent wrote that he “found this reasoning to be suspicious” because the man purchased a shotgun and rifle.

The agency’s theory as to why a woman would not use a rifle or shotgun for self-defense is not provided.

The man who the ATF reported was buying for a female relative was also surveilled because he purchased “numerous firearms of the same make/model/caliber over a short time frame.” It’s unclear how the ATF knew of the man’s previous gun purchases. All the other details are hidden behind the large parts of black redacted information on the next pages.
Finances Monitored with Gun Purchases

[A] black woman in Arizona was “NICS flag approved” for being a possible straw purchaser because the agent reported her “income for 1st Qtr totals $1,948.67.” It’s unclear how the ATF knew the woman’s income. “Let’s expedite considering her criminal history and considering 9mm’s are weapons of choice for the cartel,” the special agent emailed NICS on Aug. 6, 2020. Much of the document is redacted.

A black woman in Ohio was put on NICS monitoring for at least 90 days in July 2020 due to her finances. The ATF agent wrote: “Permission for NICS flag, income is [redacted] for the quarter & she has spent over $8500 on firearms between 2/7-7/22″ and referred to an “attached ROI.” It is unclear how this alone provided sufficient cause to monitor this woman’s gun purchases.