Im pretty sure I warned people of this
Why are you here?Can you post the headline, a link, and a snippet only. There’s no need to post full articles and spam the board. If people are interested in the story, they’ll click the link to read the full story.
Most of your post is not necessary.
Why are you here?
There’s a wsj paywall too you dikkhead
Cac no one asked you for a fukking thing.It’s 2019. The people of HL know how to get around a paywall.
Asking why I’m here is beyond comical seeing as there’s double digit calls for you to be banned every other week, nerd.
I’m trying to do you a favor and make you more likeable but I see your NPD is kicking in so enjoy having your spam reported fakkit.
Cac no one asked you for a fukking thing.
Go cap your opioid needlesTough guy militant nap always makes me crack up. I know you come around the Boston area so come see me if you wanna act tough.
Go cap your opioid needles
You’re derailing the thread for nothing.Go ask the other user of your account for better lines. You don’t do “tough guy” very well.
You having a bad day buddy? You spazzed out on me for giving you constructive criticism that would have benefitted you and in turn the rest of the board. I didn’t even come at you sideways I was literally trying to help you make your post game better.
But your narcissism got in the way. You should seek professional help. You and the Donald share this disease so if you can’t see how it makes you a POS then just take a look at the President and you’ll find your answers.
PS. Literally no one will ever respect and/or fear your tough guy act. We know it’s an act and your clown-like behavior is just that.