Plumbers union accepting applications @Barnett114
Can anyone explain to me why they got rid of the projects?
What was said above, and they'd become drug and crime infested sh!tholes. Crime in big cities peaked in the early/mid 90's and the just had to go as is.Can anyone explain to me why they got rid of the projects?
What was said above, and they'd become drug and crime infested sh!tholes. Crime in big cities peaked in the early/mid 90's and the just had to go as is.
Both my parents grew up in projects in the 60's and 70's and then it was just public housing. In chicago a replacement for slums that had popped up after the great migration. It wasn't paradise, but it was clean and pretty safe, a place to start and people looked after each other. The crack era and it's aftermath changed everything. Chicago still has a bunch of public housing, but all of the HIgh rises are gone except for Dearborn Homes. They gutted and re did those a decade ago to make them more modern and less bleek. All public housing in the city row houses and senior buildings now.
I go to that target on average twice a week. I’m legit mad. Marshall’s announced they closing their store in Marshfield plaza too. That’s easily the newest and nicest plaza on the south side and 2 of the biggest stores are leaving. It makes no sense.
Yeah, those slanted streets up north such as Milwaukee, Clybourn, and Elston stay fukk up on bad weather days.Was driving down from Milwaukee last night, bad idea..took me damn near 3 hours
Most of em were SUVs or pickups, cacs think AWD means they can do 50 in a snowstorm
@FocusedDaily Hillard Homes still standing, they gutted those too and rebuilt em
Went to happy hour at Cesar’s Killer Margaritas last night, left there like 8:30 and hit lake shore drive south right as the first sprinkle of snow started and somebody had already crashed into the barrier in the S curve at oak street. Fire truck and ambulances were pulling up blocking half the lanes. I was just glad I left when I didWas driving down from Milwaukee last night, bad idea..took me damn near 3 hours
Most of em were SUVs or pickups, cacs think AWD means they can do 50 in a snowstorm
@FocusedDaily Hillard Homes still standing, they gutted those too and rebuilt em
What was said above, and they'd become drug and crime infested sh!tholes. Crime in big cities peaked in the early/mid 90's and the just had to go as is.
Both my parents grew up in projects in the 60's and 70's, back then it was just public funded housing. In chicago, a replacement for slums that had popped up after the great migration. It wasn't paradise, but it was clean and pretty safe, just a place to get your start and people looked after each other. The crack era and it's aftermath changed everything. Chicago still has a bunch of public housing, but all of the HIgh rises are gone except for Dearborn Homes. They gutted and re did those a decade ago to make them more modern and less bleek. All public housing left in the city now is row houses and senior buildings. Everyone else is on section 8 vouchers(which caused it's own problem here, but another thread).
Somebody got shot at Orland Square![]() on the news report tonight on that shyt