The Official Charlotte, NC Discussion Thread


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
@Bryan Danielson

I just touched on this last month, remember?

In Carolina you'll have people here and there, some saying Raleigh is better than Charlotte, some saying Charlotte is better than Raleigh, and you got a contingent that swears Greensboro is better than both...

But to most mf's who come from outta state, or outside the Carolinas, a LOT of people tell you both cities are wack. I lived in Charlotte and vividly remember people calling Charlotte trash and boring and that was a decade ago...

I think it boils down to what I said. One, it's gonna take awhile for perception to reach reality with both cities. Two, comparing either city to places way bigger than them is a fool's errand...

The reality is, if you're bored in either city, you aren't really out enough. There's always something going on here in The R and there's MORE going on in Charlotte than here, so saying there's nothing to do is not an accurate representation of either place...

If someone prefers bigger cities, that's understandable. You just enjoy a city with more going on, a bigger city than these cities. For the record, I feel like Charlotte is legitimate big city status. It's not Big 3 status, it's not Houston, Atlanta, Miami status. But it is in the same ballpark of other cities people consider "big cities", like Denver, Baltimore, and Orlando. If those are big cities, Charlotte is unquestionably on that level and caliber of city...

But there are cities bigger than Denver and Baltimore and Orlando, so if you're from somewhere bigger than those cities.....yes, Charlotte can feel small and get boring...

It's all perspective. Someone like yourself, a born and bred Carolinian from The Trey, Charlotte probably looks like Chicago to you 🤣 🤣 🤣 jk bruh, had to throw that in there!


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
Conversely, I don't think Raleigh is a "big city"......yet. But its well on its way.

The development going on in multiple regions of the city are indicative of big city-isms. The Blue Ridge/PNC projects, Downtown is growing up and out in like three different sections, North Hills where I already live is continuing to boom, East Raleigh development by the old state DMV headquarters, continued gentrification of inner Southeast hoods, Raleigh Iron Works area, all of these are areas not just blowing up in one facet, they are all adding combos of residential + commercial + entertainment.

We've still got a little over 5 years until 2030. When we get there, I think Raleigh is probably at that minimum threshold of "big city". People don't think of Milwaukee as a big city but I do think people would generally think it's bigger than Raleigh, when they really the same size of city.

5-6 years from now the conversation is probably a little different. It's definitely turning into a city with more "big city" options.
May 10, 2012
We've already been over this in this thread. People in here complaining about "nothing to do" weren't even trying to find anything interesting. The "Charlotte is boring" narrative has been around for at least over 20 years, and probably been around since the early 90's when attention was brought on the city during the 1991 NBA All-Star game.

Charlotte has plenty to do, but the city is spread out. You can't just go to one area and have all your entertainment and shopping needs met. So if you don't actively look for stuff that you want to do and don't get out of your day to day routine, then yes it will seem like there is nothing to do.

You can easily google things that you are interested in to see if it exists in Charlotte (It probably does). You can go on to see if there are groups you can join that cater to your interests. You can subscribe to the multiple Charlotte newsletters to find out news, new businesses, and events happening around the city. And if something doesn't exist, you can start it yourself. But the complainers don't want to do that, they just want to complain that Charlotte doesn't have what larger cities have.

How is Charlotte full of transplants, but the city still remains boring and also the food is bad compared to wherever they came from? Why are y'all flocking here when wherever you came from was clearly better?


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
We've already been over this in this thread. People in here complaining about "nothing to do" weren't even trying to find anything interesting. The "Charlotte is boring" narrative has been around for at least over 20 years, and probably been around since the early 90's when attention was brought on the city during the 1991 NBA All-Star game.

Charlotte has plenty to do, but the city is spread out. You can't just go to one area and have all your entertainment and shopping needs met. So if you don't actively look for stuff that you want to do and don't get out of your day to day routine, then yes it will seem like there is nothing to do.

You can easily google things that you are interested in to see if it exists in Charlotte (It probably does). You can go on to see if there are groups you can join that cater to your interests. You can subscribe to the multiple Charlotte newsletters to find out news, new businesses, and events happening around the city. And if something doesn't exist, you can start it yourself. But the complainers don't want to do that, they just want to complain that Charlotte doesn't have what larger cities have.

How is Charlotte full of transplants, but the city still remains boring and also the food is bad compared to wherever they came from? Why are y'all flocking here when wherever you came from was clearly better?
They do this same shyt with Raleigh, and it means one of two things:

1, you're misfiring by comparing here to the larger city you came from;

2, you're a boring person;

Or 3, both...

If you come to Charlotte from Los Angeles or Houston or Chicago or New York or Atlanta, or maybe 10 other cities, you could get bored here. Charlotte's grown up alot but it doesn't have everything, and it's not a 24/7 city. At the same time, saying there's "nothing" to do in Charlotte is unequivocally false...

If you come from most of the US that's not the ~Top 15-20 cities, and are bored in Charlotte, it's probably you. Charlotte is definitely popping. Now, you could come from somewhere smaller than Charlotte and Charlotte just may not be your style/taste of city, and that's fair. Every place isn't for everyone...

But "boring"? Nah!
May 10, 2012

I just looked at this link and it's the exact same things they been saying for 20+ years. Somebody in there who spends time in STEELE CREEK was saying there was nothing to do :snoop:

Tribal Outkast

Nov 22, 2016
We've already been over this in this thread. People in here complaining about "nothing to do" weren't even trying to find anything interesting. The "Charlotte is boring" narrative has been around for at least over 20 years, and probably been around since the early 90's when attention was brought on the city during the 1991 NBA All-Star game.

Charlotte has plenty to do, but the city is spread out. You can't just go to one area and have all your entertainment and shopping needs met. So if you don't actively look for stuff that you want to do and don't get out of your day to day routine, then yes it will seem like there is nothing to do.

You can easily google things that you are interested in to see if it exists in Charlotte (It probably does). You can go on to see if there are groups you can join that cater to your interests. You can subscribe to the multiple Charlotte newsletters to find out news, new businesses, and events happening around the city. And if something doesn't exist, you can start it yourself. But the complainers don't want to do that, they just want to complain that Charlotte doesn't have what larger cities have.

How is Charlotte full of transplants, but the city still remains boring and also the food is bad compared to wherever they came from? Why are y'all flocking here when wherever you came from was clearly better?
100% facts!

People are literally moving here daily. Charlotte is making areas outside of Charlotte desirable which also makes it more expensive. You definitely have to get in your car and move around if you want to do things. It’s not that hard.


New Bee
May 2, 2012
Queen City
Getting priced out all the major cities. Langston been in Charlotte on and off a decade and refused to buy a home. Complaining about New Yorkers moving down here but originally from New York:comeon:
