Hatton should not get in- Morales should definitely get in the HOF this year. Hatton may have to wait, it is a pretty deep class. Goes back and forth but thinks Hatton gets in eventually.

agree on all of this. if there are PBC fighters whose profiles should have been enhanced by PBC (i.e not fighting on Showtime) its these 2- Like watching the Charlo's fight and they are good guys even if they don't come off as such. Appreciates their emotion over fighting. Excellent fighters.
- The Charlo's aren't more popular because they don't have a promoter and they don't fight often enough. They also aren't very media friendly. He has always had good interactions with them and they are good fighters, but they have ways they could enhance their careers.
its sad that ppl are in absolute denial that Tapia is a damaged young man..his IG is full of ppl thinking all he needs to do is tighten his defense- Tapia is shot and is mad that GB put him in another fight. Should call it quits.
- Rosado should retire as well.

dont like that comparison- Hurd needs to sure up his defense, but he is entertaining to watch. Matchmaker Ron "Terdsak" Katz told him Hurd reminded him a bit of John Mugabi.
for all his fault BJS can fight and can box..you cant take him lightly...if they build this card make take myself back up to montreal for it- Favorite in Lemieux vs. BJS? Lemieux.
interesting- A PBC fight that has been rumored is Victor Ortiz vs. Josesito Lopez 2.
agreed- If all these fighters are eligible, who gets in: Wlad, Floyd, Pacquiao, Bradley, and Cotto? Under current rules only 3, so Wlad, Floyd, and Pacquiao would get in.
agreed but that Dan goes hard on chico going in the HOF for some reason- Jose Luis Castillo for the HOF? No.
i only saw the one fight of Tapia pre kirkland and he looked like a rough around the edges prospect to me but Kirkland beat whatever promisiing future the kid had out of him- Was Tapia not that good to begin with or did Kirkland ruin his career? Could be a combination of both, but the Kirkland fight definitely ruined his career.
he's prolly done for good- Has tried to get in touch with Terrel Williams (post Colon fight) to see if he has any future career plans, but has had no luck.