@patscorpio @reservoirdogs @SuikodenII and whoever else follows Cruisers (because I don't know these names

that's fire af
only thing I doN't know why Wlodarczyk has to fight eliminator? Didn't he remain an emeritus champ or what's that...? Which means he can go straight back to a title fight if he comes back?
Anyway... This gonna be entertaining
Breidis is nice so far, I actually give him a good shot to beat Huck
Kudryahov is big and strong but he fights like a caveman, Makabu is also good and powerful nd not even that barbaric like Kudryashov but he might have chin problems.
Durodola a decent fighter but not expecting him to get to a title shot
Wlodarczyk is the most skilled fighter out of these nect to Briedis imo