Bbbbbuuutttt....Roy is "hating".....GGG stans.
He is stating 100% facts. Every major fighter except for Wlad( due to weight obviously) took risks or if they didnt didn't move up didn't create

about how everyone ducked them.
Perfect example was Punisher Paul Williams. Dude for all of his flaws when he felt he didn't get the fights he wanted went from 147- 160 no issue. Sergio, Quintana, Margarito, Lara, Cintron, Winky...and this dude won't do jack. If his trainer kept his mouth shut and they just won no one would say a dang thing.
Sergio did the same thing. 154 with Paul Cintron, Bunema (obviously not that order) and then BOOM TOOK A RISK AGAINST PAVLIK AND IT PAID OFF. He got the accolades and credibility despite really being undersized as a MW. This dudes boogeyman steeze from his trainer is
And most importantly....both those guys have upper echelon talent on their "W" columns...can't say the same on GGG.