How much you think this fight does revenue wise?
I dont know breh. I am not going to claim I know the ins and outs of financials, but I want to at least think about it objectively in relation to the potential pot, not just being enamoured by a sum.
I find it interesting how the consensus of most fellow fighters and promoters is that GGG needs the fight more than Canelo and he should be the one working hardest to make the fight. But when ODH revealed his "offer" the consensus of fellow fighters and insiders seems to be that GGG shouldn't sign until he gets a fair offer.
Just my rough attempt at some numbers:
Canelo-Cotto did $60 million via PPV. Fighters get half, so $30 milly.
Canelo-Floyd did $20 mil in tickets, Pacquiao-Floyd did $72 mil. With the potential of Cowboys Stadium I think the gate could be huge. ..maybe close to that $20 mil. More? Not sure. Word was Jerry Jones was offering an eight figure site fee for the fight. So add $10+ million.
Canelo might take a bit less
off the top because he wants the Mexican TV rights.
Add in European TV rights plus sponsorships.
I think you could be easily at $50-60 million for the fighters. I have heard some journalists say more. Via those numbers GGG gets at most 20%.
Like i said...just taking a rough stab at numbers...not trying to claim i know anything beyond an educated guess.