So Mosley could push Margarito back and over power him, but when Floyd manhandled Mosley in the clinch, and beat him from pillar to post and appeared a whole weight division above Mosley, you truly think he couldn't do the same to Margarito.......
Margarito damn near was begging FMJ for a fight, when he got his chance he ducked, not only that this muthafukker probably been cheating his whole life so I dont want to hear, the but but but about Margarito, even though thats my nikka
like someone mentioned earlier, yall give Floyd an automatic win against an opponent he wont step in the ring with because they lose or struggle against an opponent Floyd beat...
fukk that hypothetical unprovable bullshyt. I aint trying to hear what Floyd woulda done and coulda done while Floyd AINT retired and could easily make/have made any of these matches happen...