Update: Nick Blackwell taken out on stretcher following fight with Eubank Jr
Scott Christ
@scottchristBLH on Mar 26, 2016, 7:31p
Ben Hoskins/Getty Images
Nick Blackwell was stretchered out of the ring after his fight with Chris Eubank Jr, and has been taken to a hospital.
As mentioned in
our recap of the fight, Nick Blackwell collapsed in the ring following his TKO-10 loss to Chris Eubank Jr earlier in London, and was taken out of the ring via stretcher after having oxygen administered,
according to the BBC.
Blackwell, 25, is being taken to a hospital. Obviously, our best wishes are with Nick Blackwell at this time.
The stoppage of the fight came when referee Victor Loughlin sought the advice of the ringside physician, but it should be said that until that point, Blackwell was defending himself as best he could, was still fighting, and while certainly taking a beating, wasn't staggering around the ring or anything of that nature. He was aware of what was going on when the referee stopped the fight on the doctor's advice, and shook hands and hugged Eubank after everything was called off. It was after the official announcement of Eubank's win that Blackwell collapsed.
Blackwell did absorb a large amount of punishment in this fight, particularly from uppercuts that busted up his nose and forced his left eye to swell shut, which was the cause of the stoppage.
We'll have more on this story as it develops.