Nike dropping Manny for his anti-gay comments just shows how far Pac has fallen
This isn't the 1st time he's spoken out against gays either. A couple of years ago, he said that gays should be put to death. Which is even worse.
It just didn't get as much fanfare because the Floyd/Manny fight didn't happen yet. The media & co wanted to keep Pacquiao as the "good guy" in case the fight did happen. So they turned a blind eye to it.
Now that the fight happened and Manny lost, he is completely expendable. Nobody's saving him now
which means its just fake outrage from corporate /white America as always.
Talk about a murderers row, Kell Brook the GOAT
frankie gavin is not no jo jo dan or bizier lol. most people in britain who know gavin thought he would beat brook. he was a top top amateur and a slick southpaw. brook just bullied him and make him look like a bum. thats how good brook is.
why is your bum american ass laughing? brook schooled the guy everyone in america was scared of at the time.
brook has the best win at ww out of all the champions.
why is your bum american ass laughing? brook schooled the guy everyone in america was scared of at the time.
brook has the best win at ww out of all the champions.
Really.....because I could've swore he lost to the same Leonard Bumwho?, that ironically Kool Keith Thurman dropped and EASILY beat 12-0, before fighting Brook
So, they thought "The Best Welterweight" would lose to Bumwho's? leftovers huh
for some odd reason..this made me snickerhe wasnt loud like mayweather or delusional like khan
I'm not American you dumb pommie twat, please try again.
as if australia is any better all australia is known for is rugby and cricket. two of the faggiest sports in the world. australia doesnt even have its own culture. everything you do is copying what england does.