Essential The Official Boxing Random Thoughts Thread...All boxing heads ENTER.


"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012
By Press Release | January 30, 2015


Robert Guerrero: Hi, everybody out there. I'm excited to be on this card, first one to open up the fights on NBC.

Q: One question real quick, Robert. You've called him, I guess, 'The Running Man.' Is that based off of his last fight? I know he can box, he can punch, but is it your belief that he's going to try to box you and 'run' as you said?

R. Guerrero: No, I didn't call him that. My father called him that. I respect every party that comes in the ring with me. Keith Thurman, he's a great fighter. He's quick on his feet, quick hands, has power. You have to respect that. My whole idea is to come ready for whatever's going to happen in that ring. Whether it's inside, outside, whatever happens. He gets on the move, you have to be ready for it. It's being well prepared for the fight and we're professionals and that's what we do is we get well prepared to be in that ring.

Q: The fact that you fought Floyd Mayweather and you were part of a pay-per-view event, a major-a big promotion, how much of that have you've given that experience and the fact that you fought on such a high level against the number one pound for pound fighter in the world?

R. Guerrero: It's an experience. Especially everything that comes around, the whole circus with Floyd and with All Access and all that stuff in your camp, following you around day to day. It's a big deal. It's a big deal and you got to be well prepared for it. It could be a distraction if you let it and you got to be 100 percent focused and I think this is going to be even bigger, with the viewing audience that comes along with NBC. It's going to be even bigger so, I'm excited about it and very focused and ready to go.

Q: And for Robert, I understand you're going to be on your sparring for this fight. What are you looking for out of your sparring partners to get ready for Keith?

R. Guerrero: Just guys I can box, to punch. Guys that are inside, outside. Pretty much we're bringing a variety of sparring. You've got to prepare for everything. One thing I got to say is, Keith hasn't fought nobody like me. He's fought tough guys, guys with experience, but he hasn't fought nobody like me. So, we're going to be 100 percent prepared and, you see me in the gym. We're determined and we get it. We're determined to get it and we work hard.

Q: Well, Keith, thank you for your time and we'll be seeing you in Vegas. Robert, I just wanted to know what do you feel has changed, or what's different between the Robert Guerrero from the Joel Casamayor fight up until the Katsidis fight, because it seems like once you stepped up in weight, you've thrown away your boxing ability. Why did you change your style when it was so effective in the past?

R. Guerrero: It's that hunger. It's that hunger to get in there and fight. As John John Molina Jr. said earlier in his interview, "Hey, we're here to fight. We're here to make it happen. Were here to give the fans a treat." Moving up to weight class into a hundred forty seven pounds people thought I was crazy. People looked at me and laughed, this guy's nuts. What is he doing? He's going to end his career. It's suicide. So I had to show everybody in the world like hey, you know what? I'm here. I'm going to come and take it. I'm going to come and get this weight class. I'm going to come and destroy whoever gets in my way.

And what you asked Keith earlier about the last guy that he fought, that he is like the best step toward Mayweather, similar style, that guy was the slowest guy on his feet ever. Mayweather is fast. I've been in there with him. He is fast on his feet and with his hands. That guy was no comparison at all.

K. Thurman: It was his accomplishments, not his style. It was just his accomplishments. Being an Olympian and being undefeated. That's where I made the comparison.

R. Guerrero: Oh man. If you're comparing the stuff like that it's laughable.

Q: Well, I love the animosity between you guys, so listen, Robert. Obviously, Thurman feels that Bundu was some sort of comparison, barometer towards the style similar to Mayweather, being as though Keith has that style and more power than Mayweather, what are you going to do differently?

R. Guerrero: Hey, you learn from experiences. Mayweather was a big experience for me. You go down. You break down tape and you work off your game plan and that's what we're going to do. We're going to work off our game plan. We're breaking down film on Keith and we've got something in store for him.

Q: Hey, guys, thanks for taking the time. Appreciate it. Robert, we spoke last week and you were unsparing in your comments. You had your game face on. You said "March 7th the talk is over. I plan on leaving Keith Thurman's face worse than Bertos". I'm wondering, is there an extra special hunger and anger and desire to put a hurting on Thurman this time around as compared to maybe some other fights?

R. Guerrero: There isn't any anger or anything. It's just coming out and fighting. Coming out and doing your job and doing it to the best you can and this is a big deal. NBC? We have to come out and show the fans. People that are not boxing fans that are going to be watching also. You have to come and get them, and win their hearts and show them hey, we're here to fight.

Q: Robert, so you had the fight with Kamegai that was this past June, but you only had the one fight in 2014. You have obviously a huge fight in 2013 with Mayweather. I'm wondering why the long layoff? Did you look to fight a second play last year? Did you have an injury? What was going on that you only had the one fight last year? And really, only one fight in 2011 also. It's really only been one year out of the past few that you had two bouts in a year, which was 2012. Any particular thing going on with the long layoffs?

R. Guerrero: No. Just take a little time. I had the fight with Berto. I had with fight with Aydin and then Mayweather, so making the jump two weight classes takes a lot out of you, getting in with the bigger guys and you know all the hard training and then the types of fights that I was fighting too. I was coming in and going to war. So it takes a lot of your body and you need time to recover so I took a little time to recover, spent a little family and got back in with Kamegai and now we're in it with Thurman so focusing on Thurman and we're going to be ready for it.

Q: Other question I have for you, Robert, is this. You mentioned that you did move up a couple of weight classes, and you took the time off after Kamegai because you're getting used to the weight division, but this fight with Keith has been talked about. I guess I remember it being brought up by Golden Boy sometime in the early part of last year that there was some discussion about trying to make. Is this a fight that you been interested in all along and it's just sort of now was the time when it made the most sense from a business point of view? Or was this something that you wanted all along and others were not looking to make the fight? Can you, it seems like you guys have been on a collision course for a little while.

R. Guerrero: You know me. I fight anybody. I do things that a lot of fighters don't do. Move weight classes. Jump up in weight class. And the challenge is always, I'm always up for the challenge and everybody's on my radar looking for the best, looking to fight the best because if you want to be the best you got to fight the best so Keith Thurman is one of the best fighters in the world right now and that's who we've got March 7 and we're going to go out there and do what we got to do.

Q: Was there something specific about Keith that made you want him more than some other particular opponent? You fight a deep weight class where you guys have a lot of options.

R. Guerrero: Just fighting the best. That's it; fighting the best and Keith Thurman, I mean, look what they call him. One time. He's been taking everybody out, and it's a great challenge for me.

Guerrero is definitely gonna be a step up in comp for Thurman. I cant wait for them 2 to fight


"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012
By Press Release | January 30, 2015


Keith Thurman: What's up, everybody? We're training hard. We're getting ready. Everybody's stoked. A lot of people are looking forward to what's about to happen in the world of boxing and we're all looking forward to March 7th. So let's do this.

Q: Keith, you kind of expressed, you are the knockout guy and a lot of people, you even said that you don't feel right if you don't get the knockout. You like knockouts. You didn't get that in your last fight. Is that something you want badly in this fight?

K. Thurman: Definitely. We respect Robert. Robert's never been stopped and when I hear a fighter's never been stopped, I hear that as a challenge. Especially being a puncher and knowing that he's coming up from the lighter division. Those fighters, Floyd Mayweather came up from the lighter division. Manny Pacquiao came up from the lighter division. So there are some of the best fighters in the world make their way up into the welterweight division and they hold their own and they go toe-to-toe with guys like me, who were originally 147 pounds, always was and always will be.

Last fight we got a knockdown, so I satisfied a little bit of the puncher in me by producing a knockdown in the first round of the last fight. I just wasn't able to put the icing on the cake by cutting the bow short. We're going to be training extremely hard for this fight. We're truly looking forward to the challenge that 'The Ghost' is going to bring and we are looking forward to having a fight that goes less than 12 rounds, but we will be prepared no matter what the outcome.

Q: Okay, my last question to you is that you do respect his ability to be crafty. You've said there probably will be or could be something in his arsenal that you might not have prepared for that you will have to adjust to in the ring, and among those things you included his ability to hold, to be physical, and you referred to the Andre Berto fight. Can you characterize what you meant by that and how you plan to deal with that?

K. Thurman: We've watched more than just the Andre Berto fight now, and he's an active fighter. He's an active fighter. He will fight you on the inside. He'll try to hit you with his power punches from the outside. He's truly a fighter. He wants to fight and if you're holding him or he's holding you, that doesn't mean that he's going to stop fighting. He will keep fighting every second of the fight. He's well-conditioned from what I've seen. He's saying that he's going to be prepared. I believe the man. We're at the world class level. Every fighter at this stage should be prepared.

But, I'm going to do a little wrestling in my training camp here. We're going to get ready. I don't want it to be a shock to me. He's not going to be able to surprise me by roughhousing me on the inside. We're going to do the best that we can. We're obviously going to bring southpaws sparring into the camp, but I'm not going to be able to bring Guerrero into the camp. You know what I mean? So there should be a few minor changes that I'm going to have to make fighting night but we're going to do the best that we can to be prepared for the fight.

Q: Keith, I just want to follow up on your answer about getting ready for this fight with Robert, and when you have to prepare for a totally different style than what you did your last fight, how excited does that get you to come to the gym every day, and also the challenges that come in getting prepared to fight a guy like Robert Guerrero?

K. Thurman: We're just excited, man. We love to switch it up. I want to fight the boxers. I want to fight the punchers. I want to fight the world, baby. We want the whole world. Come one, come all. So, March 7 is Robert 'The Ghost' Guerrero. It's been a long time since I've had to face a fighter like him, who has the experience that he has and has the mentality that he has and has the roughness that he has, and we're looking forward to those challenges and we're looking forward to overcoming them.

Q: I wanted to ask, you had mentioned Robert Guerrero as one of the many on your list that ducked you. Do you still feel that way or did you realize it was boxing politics, and are you going to use that same mentality that you feel he may be a bit intimidated by you and that's why this fight took so long to happen as a bit of an advantage in this fight?

K. Thurman: Most ducking that occurs in the sport of boxing is political, whether it be on the promoter's end, whether it be on the manager's end, or whether it be on the trainer's end. Or, even the fighter's end. Everybody has a reason to go the route that they go in the world of boxing.

I've said this before in my statements. I've said a lot about people who have avoided me, but at the end of the day I'm truly not mad at anybody because we're all in it for the same reasons. We're all in it to have the career that we want and to put food on our tables for our families. This is a career. This is a sport.

So the pride in the fighter in me says, "Let's all fight," but I know the business man in me and the business man inside the rest of these fighters, them and their team are going to strategically plan out their careers. And it's taking a little long, but here I am. Me and 'The Ghost'. He's known that I've been knocking on his door. We've been trying to get this fight for a while. He's ready for it.

They took their time but now they feel like it is the time. He said it himself, I've never fought a fighter like him, and he's correct. I've never fought Robert 'The Ghost' Guerrero. Every single fighter is an individual and I look forward to what he brings to the table come March 7th.

Q: Now, Keith, in the lead up to the Bundu fight, you said that Bundu was going to be the closest thing to Mayweather that you were going to fight because of his age, his experience, and his undefeated record at the time. When you take that into consideration, the way that you out boxed him, many fans probably weren't pleased with that because they're known for you to be one time this knock out artist, but you put on a beautiful boxing performance, which in comparison is similar to the Robert Guerrero/Mayweather fight. Is that the same style that you're going to use in this fight for Robert Guerrero?

K. Thurman: We have options in this fight. I plan on Robert coming and trying to take it, trying to bring the dog out in me, show me the dog within himself, and show me how tough he really is and backup all that him and his team have stated before. I pick individually. I pick how I want to perform. I have a game plan mentally going into the fight.

This game plan is, we're going to show him that we can do what we want to do to him. He's going to back up this fight. He's going to move forward this fight. We're going to do our best to control the fight. If I feel like I can control the fight in the middle, or by pushing him to the ropes, or if I can control the fight on the outside, I'm going to figure that out within the first half of the fight. As long as the fight continues after the first half of the fight, I will permanently pick what I need to do to strategically win the complete second half of the fight hands down.

Something that a lot of people don't understand about the sport is if you're not going to get the knockout you've got to prepare for the decision. The only way to fully prepare for the decision is to win seven out of twelve rounds. That's all you need. You need seven hands down. No controversy. You need to win seven out of twelve. That's the fight plan and that's why I say that Mayweather is the best set of round fighter in the world because he's never lost a match.

Q: And question for Keith. Could you amplify a little bit? Talking about all these eyeballs that are going to be on this fight. People are going to be channel flipping, surfing, and if they stop and start watching a brawl, man, they're going to saw you guys can make so many more boxing fans. Can you talk about that a little bit? What a grand opportunity this is.

K. Thurman: This is a dream come true. I remember when I was 10 years old and I was looking through a history book on boxing and I said to myself, wouldn't it be amazing for you, your face to be in a book like this one day? And I believe now that NBC is back into boxing on primetime, many fighters in all of the weight classes have an extreme opportunity to start building that household name. The world will start hearing more about these fighters and eventually our names will get put on the list with Oscar De La Hoya, Sugar Ray Leonard, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Tyson, Evander. So, this is it, man. We're about to bring boxing back 2015. I'm truly looking forward to it.

Q: I remember before when you were promoting the fight with Leonard Bundu from a few months ago, your thing was that you just wanted to fight a big name. You knew that you had a lot of potential, a lot of ability, you were undefeated, knocking guys out, but you kept saying, "I want a big name, I want a big name." Does Robert Guerrero, in your mind, qualify as finally getting a big name?

K. Thurman: He does. Ring Magazine has him ranked right under me. He's ranked number eight right now currently by Ring Magazine. I'm ranked number seven. I think this is a terrific fight. This is how we break the ice. I really believe that my career is truly starting on March 7 fighting Robert 'The Ghost' Guerrero in the same venue that he fought Mayweather in. So this is a terrific opportunity to showcase my skills and my talent once more to the world of boxing, but after March 7th they can no longer say who has Keith 'One Time' Thurman fought.

Q: And I asked Robert about the fact that this fight has been discussed for kind of a while now. It's finally come to fruition for March 7, but was it a little bit frustrating that you couldn't get Robert or any other particular big name a little bit sooner, or are you okay with the way the schedules worked out? Because I know this was a fight, like I said, that's been talked about for a little while.

K. Thurman: Of course it could have happened sooner. A lot of things could have happened sooner. Why are Mayweather and Pacquiao still in negotiations right now? Things could always have been done sooner. But, I'm a man of faith. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I'm happy. If we would have fought sooner we would not be the main event, at least not me. I most likely would not have been the main event. It would have had to been some form of a co-feature.

So to be headlining on NBC primetime network I really can't ask for anything else. Robert 'The Ghost' Guerrero. This is a perfect opportunity. He wants to make a big statement. No one's beat me to this day, there's no better way in the welterweight division for someone who's jumping up two weight classes to make a better statement besides taking out one of the youngest and toughest welterweights in the division today. And for myself, this is a measuring stick to outperform Mayweather in Mayweather's hometown.

So for both of us this is just extremely exciting and this is a real fight. We both have a lot to gain from a victory here, and March 7th, man, the fans have something truly to look forward to. Put it this way. It's the biggest stage in the last 30 years. Bigger than Mayweather or anything out there.

Q: I had one other question for you, Keith. Having a lot of publicity but I guess basically in the paperwork moves, the WBA has made you its regular title holder as opposed to the interimholder. How did you come to find out about it and what are your thoughts about that?

K. Thurman: I have not come to find out about that. You're the first one to mention anything to me. Me and my team, we joke about it all the time that I'm being treated like a champion, because Mayweather has two belts. They have yet to issue a mandatory for it. He doesn't have to take the mandatory. They can issue the mandatory. He could vacate the belt and I could fight for it. I've been saying that for the past year.

Q: You're the interim title holder. That's what they've said.

K. Thurman: Thank you very much for that. At the end of the day, man, there's a lot of different alphabet belts out there. If that's what they chose to do, I'm truly grateful for that. It's an honor for them to raise me up to that level, but at the end of the day, man, with a belt, without a belt it doesn't matter. In the ring I'm ready to fight Robert 'The Ghost' Guerrero March 7 and I'm going to do my job. I'm truly looking forward to it.

Will he be "One Time" or "Run Time"? Well know in 5 weeks:banderas:

Im picking Thurman to win this match

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
What the hell is wrong with kirkland. Why is it so hard for him to stick with Wolfe?

King P

Legends Never Die
Nov 12, 2012
Views From The X
I got the chat wrap this week @GREENandYELLOW This was a long one

Dan Rafael Chat Wrap 1/30

- Andy Lee's camp is trying to make a deal with Billy Joe Saunders to step aside and allow him to fight Peter Quillin. If they don't, Lee may just vacate the WBO title and fight Quillin anywa-
- Believes that Rios has the heart, will, and enough power at WW to give guys problems in that division. Doesn't see a legit path to a world title however
- Felix Verdejo will not be fighting for a wild title this year
- Would like to see Chisora/Arreola, but seems like a very unlikely match
- Hopes Mayweather/Pacquiao happens, but still remains skeptical that it gets done. Hopes he is wrong
- There's a chance we see Sadam Ali on the Klitschko/Jennings undercard on April 25
- Rios/Ortiz unlikely to happen, but would like to see it. Would also love to se him against Matthysse or Provodnikov
- Has no interest whatsoever in Crawford/Algieri, and doesn't think it will happen
- No chance we see Ward/GGG this year
- David Lemieux/Tureano Johnson possible for the spring. Thinks it will probably be a good fight
- Does he see boxing going back to 15 rounds in a championship fight: "It will never go back to 15 rounds. Ever. Write it down"
- Sees the Canelo/Kirkland fight playing out very violently
- Does not think that Anthony Joshua is a media creation, and that he has looked great through 10 fights and has a chance to be a champion
- Klitschko/Jennings unlikely to be a sell out
- Chavez and Arum have not resolved their issues at all
- Does not believe Shannon Briggs has a contract for the fall vs Klitschko
- Believes that boxing moving back to basic cable will put the pressure on HBO and Showtime to only show the best fighting the best. Does believe HBO has been doing a good job of that already as of late
- Andrade's camp supposedly still trying to make the Charlo fight
- Matthysse/Provodnikov won't be finalized until the Mayweather/Pacquiao negotiations finish playing out. Reason being that if the fight doesn't get made, both fighters will need other opponents. Once the negations get wrapped up, alot of the other dominoes will fall into place
- Unclear what's next for Cotto, but we could wind up seeing him fight in June on the PR parade weekend. Bradley is a possible opponent, also sees GGG as an option
- Told the Garcia/Peterson fight will likely take place at the Barclays Center, but hasn't been finalized yet
- Doesn't see Ward back in the ring until at least June, even though he said he wanted to return in March or April
- Still no opponent set for Mares, who is scheduled to fight on March 7
- Gonzalez/Russell still being discussed, but doesn't think it's close to being done
- Thinks Khan/Brook can and will happen at some point of Brook hangs on to his title. Too being of a fight in the UK for it not to be made
- By taking the Klitschko fight, Jennings loses his WBC mandatory spot for Wilder
- Doesn't see Lemieux as a possible opponent for GGG at the moment. Can see it happening later on, after Lemeiux takes another fight or 2.
- Likes Amir Imam alot and thinks we could see him in a bigger fight this year, especially since he's not tied to Al Haymon or either network
- Oscar says he's looking to make Gambo/Linares within the next few months. Thinks it's an excellent fight
- Thinks Molina could be a tough fight for Broner, since he comes to fight and applies pressure.
- More ridiculous sanctioning body, WBA or WBC: WBA
- Expect to see Daniel Jacobs on Showtime or NBC in the near future
- Thinks Jermain Taylor will eventually be stripped, and his career will be over
- Does expect JMM to fight again
- Is very skeptical about Haymon allowing Rigondeaux/Santa Cruz
- Believes Mayweather/Pacquiao easily breaks the all-time record for PPV buys
- Would pick Sugar Ray Leonard to beat any WW in boxing history with the exception of Sugar Ray Robinson: and he's not even sure Robinson would beat him either
- Would probably vote for Diego Corrales to make the HOF
- Says he knows something about the Mayweather/Pacquiao negotations that he's been asked to keep a secret
- Thinks Klitschko/Wilder is a PPV fight
- Would prefer Jim Lampley to call the fight on joint PPV as opposed to Mauro Ranallo
- Very possible that Wilder defends his belt on NBC. CBS is also a possibility
- Postol is being paid very handsomely to step aside as Garcia's WBC mandatory. Will still get to fight for the title, most likely once Garcia vacates
- Expects Thurman/Guerrero to be highly competitive
- After his fight against Rios, very doubtful we ever see Alvarado fight on premium cable again


2x...and defending
Jul 31, 2013
I got the chat wrap this week @GREENandYELLOW This was a long one

Dan Rafael Chat Wrap 1/30

- Andy Lee's camp is trying to make a deal with Billy Joe Saunders to step aside and allow him to fight Peter Quillin. If they don't, Lee may just vacate the WBO title and fight Quillin anywa-
- Believes that Rios has the heart, will, and enough power at WW to give guys problems in that division. Doesn't see a legit path to a world title however
- Felix Verdejo will not be fighting for a wild title this year
- Would like to see Chisora/Arreola, but seems like a very unlikely match
- Hopes Mayweather/Pacquiao happens, but still remains skeptical that it gets done. Hopes he is wrong
- There's a chance we see Sadam Ali on the Klitschko/Jennings undercard on April 25
- Rios/Ortiz unlikely to happen, but would like to see it. Would also love to se him against Matthysse or Provodnikov
- Has no interest whatsoever in Crawford/Algieri, and doesn't think it will happen
- No chance we see Ward/GGG this year
- David Lemieux/Tureano Johnson possible for the spring. Thinks it will probably be a good fight
- Does he see boxing going back to 15 rounds in a championship fight: "It will never go back to 15 rounds. Ever. Write it down"
- Sees the Canelo/Kirkland fight playing out very violently
- Does not think that Anthony Joshua is a media creation, and that he has looked great through 10 fights and has a chance to be a champion
- Klitschko/Jennings unlikely to be a sell out
- Chavez and Arum have not resolved their issues at all
- Does not believe Shannon Briggs has a contract for the fall vs Klitschko
- Believes that boxing moving back to basic cable will put the pressure on HBO and Showtime to only show the best fighting the best. Does believe HBO has been doing a good job of that already as of late
- Andrade's camp supposedly still trying to make the Charlo fight
- Matthysse/Provodnikov won't be finalized until the Mayweather/Pacquiao negotiations finish playing out. Reason being that if the fight doesn't get made, both fighters will need other opponents. Once the negations get wrapped up, alot of the other dominoes will fall into place
- Unclear what's next for Cotto, but we could wind up seeing him fight in June on the PR parade weekend. Bradley is a possible opponent, also sees GGG as an option
- Told the Garcia/Peterson fight will likely take place at the Barclays Center, but hasn't been finalized yet
- Doesn't see Ward back in the ring until at least June, even though he said he wanted to return in March or April
- Still no opponent set for Mares, who is scheduled to fight on March 7
- Gonzalez/Russell still being discussed, but doesn't think it's close to being done
- Thinks Khan/Brook can and will happen at some point of Brook hangs on to his title. Too being of a fight in the UK for it not to be made
- By taking the Klitschko fight, Jennings loses his WBC mandatory spot for Wilder
- Doesn't see Lemieux as a possible opponent for GGG at the moment. Can see it happening later on, after Lemeiux takes another fight or 2.
- Likes Amir Imam alot and thinks we could see him in a bigger fight this year, especially since he's not tied to Al Haymon or either network
- Oscar says he's looking to make Gambo/Linares within the next few months. Thinks it's an excellent fight
- Thinks Molina could be a tough fight for Broner, since he comes to fight and applies pressure.
- More ridiculous sanctioning body, WBA or WBC: WBA
- Expect to see Daniel Jacobs on Showtime or NBC in the near future
- Thinks Jermain Taylor will eventually be stripped, and his career will be over
- Does expect JMM to fight again
- Is very skeptical about Haymon allowing Rigondeaux/Santa Cruz
- Believes Mayweather/Pacquiao easily breaks the all-time record for PPV buys
- Would pick Sugar Ray Leonard to beat any WW in boxing history with the exception of Sugar Ray Robinson: and he's not even sure Robinson would beat him either
- Would probably vote for Diego Corrales to make the HOF
- Says he knows something about the Mayweather/Pacquiao negotations that he's been asked to keep a secret
- Thinks Klitschko/Wilder is a PPV fight
- Would prefer Jim Lampley to call the fight on joint PPV as opposed to Mauro Ranallo
- Very possible that Wilder defends his belt on NBC. CBS is also a possibility
- Postol is being paid very handsomely to step aside as Garcia's WBC mandatory. Will still get to fight for the title, most likely once Garcia vacates
- Expects Thurman/Guerrero to be highly competitive
- After his fight against Rios, very doubtful we ever see Alvarado fight on premium cable again
I had put a lot of work into it and was getting ready to post and saw you did it. Let's not forget I got this. :ufdup:
No beefs, just that I like contributing that around here.

King P

Legends Never Die
Nov 12, 2012
Views From The X
I had put a lot of work into it and was getting ready to post and saw you did it. Let's not forget I got this. :ufdup:
No beefs, just that I like contributing that around here.
Nah, I hear you. Wasn't trying to step on your toes on nothing breh. I usually don't even read the chats, but I'm under the weather and been home all day so I figured I might as well do it since I'm not doing anything else.

You could go back to doing this, this was just a 1 time thing. Not tryna jack your shyt my man

Amare's Right Hook

Southeast World Champion
May 1, 2012
