Essential The Official Boxing Random Thoughts Thread...All boxing heads ENTER.


Jun 17, 2012
just for chits n giggles. I am sure that story is the real story....but I have a feeling its more to it. I been outchea for a while and from my experience....a dude dont lay hands on a chick unless it was some physical link somewhere. I have a couple of theories as to why Roger blacked out on a chick...even if she was a boxer and he felt the need to go hard on her.

a) he couldve been smashing her then she stopped fukkin with him and started fukkin with Lock. Roger gets wind of her staying with Lock, maybe he knows Lock is at the gym and goes over and asks :wtf: you doin? get the fukk out.

b) he was STILL smashing and went over to see Lock and and was somewhat caught off guard by her being there...and asked :wtf: you doing over here...gtfo.

I just dont see why else Roger touches up a chick because she is an unauthorized tenant and loses potentially more money by missing a Floyd fight than the condo itself is worth. I mean you choke a bish out that you aint never piped? Dont sound right. :yeshrug:

Maybe they had something going on at one point, but you can't apply what you feel makes sense to a former professional fighter. There's no point in trying. A lot of these guys have problems. They are very delusional. A lot of them can't talk or think straight. It's a hard profession. What makes sense to them may not make sense to the average person.