Two of my favorite Heavyweight fights
God I love Heavyweight Boxing

Bozy sounded just as bad as Jack MosleyBetween rounds Boots really needed some guidance on how to be more defensive and counter punch more against Karen. And all Bozy could do is sound like a fan screaming at a TV screen instead of a coach
"Stop getting hit with dumb stuff!! He's wearing down!"
Father-Son Boxer/coaching combinations. shyt has only worked maybe 15% of the time
It's so hard for people to just admit the guy was special.. Pacquiao didn't have to make the sacrifice of cutting down and rehydrating per fight..he wasn't blowing up in weight between fights to drain himself down. He wasn't gaining weight like yall think he was.. He stayed a consistent 142-145 even when he whipped Margarito for the 154 strap at like a 150 or 151 catchweight..He stayed disciplined and fought around his natural weight.. He was blessed with superior athleticism and calf muscles which is where a lot of his power was generated from as wellSo many talking points regarding this fight. Not even going to get into the Roach comments, wraps etc. I always loved Margarito as a fighter, incredible work ethic.
What's gets lost in the mix is what a well conditioned 147-154 fighter Margarito was, and Pacquaio rendered him to amateur levels of conditioning and punch capacity. Not to discredit Pac, but you can't help but think he had a nice cocktail of things each morning of camp eg. test/ana for weight gain/strength and timed his camp well to mix it perfectly with epo/epinephrine (both of which were rampant throughout the sport during this era.) It's very hard to gain weight and maintain that sort of aerobic and anaerobic capacity, especially in a sport like boxing.
- Greatest jump up in weight performance of all time?
- Greatest arm / punch / punch output / conditioning of all time re Pacquaio? (special herbs aside.)
- Worst non stoppage in boxing since the 1970's?
Either way a staggering performance that was and still is one of the most jaw dropping efforts of all time.
Perez/AbdusalomovPerfect example of an amazing fight, but absolute tragic outcome. Similar fights like
- Nigel Benn vs G-Man
- Adonis Stevenson vs Gvozdyk
- Julio Cesar Chavez vs Meldrick Taylor