Tyson vs Ribalta even though it wasn't a KO it was delivered beautifully
Dude genuinely had the look of "WTF just hit me" look
i prefer the saad muhammad one....if as a fighter you get hit with an uppercut like that, your defense has failed you lol
im partial to razor landing the 3 multiple "smashes" on dokes
Ribalta was tough. He took some bombs from a young Mike. He was a minute and a half away from going the full 10, and I think the ref could have let it go on.
Single shot uppercut knockouts aren’t common in boxing, most of them are left hooks (an angle you’re less likely to see coming) and straight right hands, or the opposite for lefties.
I’m not sure why. Maybe the vulnerability to counters or the angles, but they’re not common. Even Ruddock’s smash was more of a hookercut