Beat a old Mosley...who are u kidding?Beat Trout and Moseley at 154
Beat Lara and Cotto at 155
Beat ggg at 160
Beat Jacobs at 160
Beat Callum at 168
Beat Billy Joe at 168
Beat Sergei Kovalev at 175
These are just facts.. actual facts.. not opinions.. Even with all that bullshyt you just said he STILL has a stronger resume than everyone not named Pacquiao.. Andrade and Jacobs have never even established themselves as the best in any division.. If Canelo never fights them it won't change where he's rated p4p or rated All Time
Trout? Many believe he didn't win that.
Beat ggg? The 2nd fight? Looked good the first half and GGG came back on him..lit him up in the 10th round.
Sergay was looking the payday and got it..he wasn't trying to win...not to mention he was a shell of his 2017 self. U know that though.
Great dominant victory over Jacobs

fukk his resume of old men and oddball decisions that should be investigated. This guy is a caught red handed and he's the best to you because he shows head movement against jobbers? Lol.