american hw division was looking for someone to root for and end wlad dominance. you had unproven wilder, chris arreola, jonathan banks, seth mitchell ,bryant jennings(alot people thought he was up next) and people like eddie chambers.
no one thought wilder would come the closes. I see why people hang on to wilder though because if he falls then the american HW divison looks terrible all over again. I dont think there are even American prospects that are expected to do much now so if wilder loses to fury again it would be even worse than back then.
A friendly weekly reminder - Gary Russell Jr is the longest uninterrupted reigning current world champion in boxing today
sure does
good for himhow many title defenses has our longest reigning champ had?
he fought any other champs?
he win any other belts?
has he done anything other than be the longest reigning champ nobody watches?![]()
the funny thing is farmer beat redkach's ass more thoroughly than danny garcia did![]()
if only you ask these questions of wilder my Dominican brother
gary russell the model of consistency in pbc and featherweight division
malik scott was another one too and now he is training wilder...what a trajectory
so its lookin like pascal might have popped for a 4th PED: EPO
man pascal was doing the most man if true
Pascal was on his super soldier shyt...this should get him stripped of that bullshyt ass reggie belt he has