this is true but it is also a cause/effect. network television relies on ratings. when pay tv saw they could manufacture stars and that would help build their subscriber base...that was pretty much the end of fighting on network tv. its trying to make a comeback...but the fight quality is very inconsistent. Bob has tried to produce good network tv productions and DK ventured into that briefly. Actually, DKP briefly tried tape delay on his PPV undercards through network tv...a great idea. The promoters like DKP and TR can do things like that because they own the television rights, but it has to be profitable to the networks or they will abort. You know networks will cancel tv shows that have good ratings so you know they will do it with boxing. When NBC brought boxing back a few years ago, it had good ratings from what I remember. GBP although they have the power to do so has no interest in anything like this looking from a short term perspective. I am not a fan of GBP, they are whats wrong with boxing but preach they are here to save you from the ills of the dinosaur promoters. DKP and TR do have an interest in network tv because they know thats where the "eyes" come from. We will see if GBP is interested.