i want to say temple shot but dude didnt even land it lol
i want to say temple shot but dude didnt even land it lol
i want to say temple shot but dude didnt even land it lol
Homey did a really good Riverdance impression lol
he'll put on gloves again..but how he is moved after all this will be interesting
i have no idea what zurdo's endgame is
Teo carries himself as a guy that is enjoying his new status, and is going to do everything in his power not to lose it, even if that means avoiding guys. It’s like with a lot of these fighters, I don’t believe they’re scared of each other, just scared of losing their status and the paydays associated with it.
He said all the right things immediately after the fight, but everything he says now is just stupid.
you think he’s gonna move like Andre Darrell after the AA fight?
The Lopezes are sounding like some bozos