DMT..shrooms...patscorp only needs his henny and i start trippin plenty...but aint no ego loss..only the opposite 

You know I'm built differently brotha Scorpio! If you haven't ever heard/read about the term ego loss check it out, interesting topic. Ego death - WikipediaDMT..shrooms...patscorp only needs his henny and i start trippin plenty...but aint no ego loss..only the opposite
Breh I did shrooms like when I was 20, had a terrible trip and I swear I was never able to read as good sinceI've never tried it, but if you read about it, it's supposed to change your life in a very positive way. I had a mild ego loss in August when I took too many (or just enough?!) shrooms. Changes your life.
everyone has their vices brehThe Official Psychedelics Random Thoughts Thread...All LSD heads ENTER.
fair enoughSimple question. I think crawford is great too. Talent wise, off the eye test, probably the #1pound for pound. Although he could very well beat all them, it's not automatic either. He could very well lose to any of them. Gamboa (one of my favorites) gave him a good fight (early on). I thought Benavides or whatever his name was (with the fukked up leg) was giving him a good fight. I feel dudes gotta really prove themselves. Spence, my favorite welter could lose to manny, Danny or Keith if he ain't on his shyt, Shawn and brook gave him hell. I just think everyone needs to earn their crowns fully. It's cool that we all have our picks, just don't think it's etched in stone.
2 title fight + Murata with his regular if we keep it real, only fight I really care about on it is the Ken Shiro vs Felix Alvarado unification but that should be very good
I've went through the journey three times in my life.I haven’t done DMT in a few years but everyone should at some point imo.
Brain changer, for the better.
I've never tried it, but if you read about it, it's supposed to change your life in a very positive way. I had a mild ego loss in August when I took too many (or just enough?!) shrooms. Changes your life.
This is why you don't play fight with your girl :porter: