When it’s all said and done, can this young man be justifiably mentioned among the All Time Greats?
If he continues on this path of course. Especially if he unifies 160 and 168. I really got a feeling he's gonna go after Callum Smith next. And max is right. Canelo EARNED his spot as the biggest star in boxing. He came right in fighting the best guys and always brought entertainment. He built his brand the right way. More often than not you always get your time and money's worth when watching a canelo fight. He took a few big money fights and now he's right back to fighting the best. He'll go down with the greats when it's said and done. He's already one of the greatest Mexican fighters of all time.
And I don't think he's fukking around when he says he wants to fight kovalev in the future. Canelo really thinks he can beat all them guys. His speed and defense will be a huge advantage at 168 and 175. And he looked big as shyt when he fought rocky, no homo. His speed and snap was actually better there. I think canelo gotta drain himself to make 160. Dude seems like a natural 168 fighter now. He backed up both Little g and Jacob's and bullied JCC and rocky. He's strong enough for the bigger weights.
Shout out to my #CaneloCartel Bredrin.....it's all happening just like we told em:CaneloRejoice:.....2 years ago they said he was shook of little g and would never give Jacob's a chance. Now he got wins over both

......and we just gettin started. We bout to unify two divisions at the same time

......When Canelo says anybody can get it from 154 to 168, he really means that shyt

.......we comin for everybody