Boxing is my main sport, football (soccer) is my side sport, I follow it vaguely. I'm like an advanced casual in it, I know more players, teams, rules, history and general information about it than your average Joe but I'm not keeping up with it as much as with boxing, many of the signings and etc... pass me and I only find out about them a little later.
The last time Hungarian football was great was like in the '60s, I don't know what happened exactly but probably a row of bad decisions and the formulation of a flabby and sick football system with unprepared, untrained officials and a mentality which rather stares at the glorious past than caring about the future.
Many ppl in the country still have a hard time processing that we are not a "football country" anymore, they expect us to qualify to big tournaments and get mad if we doN't

it's stupid but it is what it is, most of these people didn't even live (me neither) when Hungarian football was relevant on a world level, they just heard it from stories and saw it from footages. It's less and less people like that though I think...
In recent years our fukked up, populist, authoritarian government party made great efforts to show off by the way of building big football stadiums or renewing old ones only to leave most of the seats empty because although football is by far the most popular sport here and the national team usually packs the stadiums, Hungarian club football matches don't. Most ppl including me wishes they'd rather spend on education or health but they don't, they mean the spending on sport as some kind of a power demonstration but the only thing they demonstrated so far is how pathetic they are. Tons of money in stadiums and in a hyper-super football academy but still no results apart from a qualification to the 2016 Euros and making out the group stage there but those were mostly players who came up during the '00s anyway.
There's a way to improve Hungarian football but it's not as important as they make it out to be compared to other issues and they seemingly approach it the wrong way, probably because they rather intended to gain easy extra popularity than really changing the tide by professional methods and real results.