Who have i touted that has failed to meet the hype. I don't run around stanning these dudes on some serious shyt
I'll mention it when it occurs...and yall know I don't forget.

Lol and all them other fighter you asking about, what they have to do about AB? And to answer it about them, i dont think anything about em. They dont run around pointing fingers after their losses.
So you have no problems with fighters who were touted to be up next, failing to meet the hype bestowed on them, but you have a problem with AB meeting the hype...interesting.

Talking about staying on topic yet throwing in other fighters to try and prop him up. If that's what you wanna do, go for it.
It's definitely on topic.
Question was basically: If AB is a could've, would've, should've Boxer after winning 4 Divisional Championships....then what are your opinions on other guys who were touted as being greater prospects than AB was, yet not even reaching his level? And of course, you don't have an opinion on them...I figured you didn't, which is why I asked.

And i already explained what i meant by woulda coulda etc. You assuming i was referring to what he has or hasn't accomplished when that wasnt even the case now was it![]()
You answered 1 question. Thank you breh.

We don't have to go any further on this particular topic