I'm surprised how much I like this spin off. I had my doubts of Saul being a strong enough character to build a whole show around, but this shyt is good. I really want to find out how his brother developed his fear of electronics.
I assumed that was a part of whatever crazy illness his brother has in the present.
So how long were the Kettleman's planning on camping out there? Long enough for the cops to think they were dead and then move on...
Saul is clever for that paper-towel roll trick, but the non-stop calls to Nacho though

. Also when is going to learn when it comes to the stickers that Mike doesn't play

. Cool to see Mike lend his cop experience and help Saul out though.
Saul about to get a finder's fee from all that money though
To anybody having a hard time waiting for new episodes, if you have the time I suggest getting into more shows. So much piff on TV right now, I'll eating good every night and not really thinking about what I had the night before. Tomorrow alone has Justified & Flash, Wednesday- Arrow, The 100, The Americans, Thurs- Archer, Vikings about to start back up, Fri-Banshee, etc.