He is the "levels" guy. And he got 3-0'd by a dude that doesn't even respect hard work. That has to be demoralizing. Surf will mention him for years to come. As a victim.
His big brother was there too. Who wants to get 3-0'd in front of their blood family? Big bro trying to give that "I support you regardless" energy... but inside he's disgusted.
And JJDD said some goofy shyt with the LB Da Boss bar. Coming off the Ace Amin thing it looks like he cares about battle rap respect too much.
Before the battle, "I'mma save the culture"
After the battle, "i need time to process this"

this was a long time comin. JJDD should retire now, because even if he took on some of these New Era cats, they might dogwalk him. Better take NXT or some shyt
Blac said it was twork vs Roc
They revealed during SM11 two of the battles: Twork vs Roc and Gattas vs Jaz
Because he’s never getting that battle.
Surf would have to choke 2 more battles before he even thinks about contingency plan jc. Same as John John, Cortez and MAYBE Math. They're just fallback options for Surf if his performance wanes, and he knows there's no real threat from any of em should he have to take em. I still can't believe John John thought he had a chance. Watched an interview with Ill Will who had JJDD 30 in the predictions and then right before the battle thought "has john john ever SAID somethin fire, not did somethin fire? If Surf got a couple Tar Heels, it might be a wrap. " and it happened