Talk!! Champion has always been corny and trash. Blac when he reviewed battles whilst looking in the mirror>>>>champion
Blac making T*ch 9 a regular on CHAMPION was one of the worst things he did.
Most will say “Tech brought entertainment.
You need an antagonist to do numbers”
My reply to that is: That’s the problem. Why do you need anybody bringing blatant bad takes to a platform that’s designed to bring credibility and structure to a culture, to cater to YOUR ignorant view of entertainment? All because y’all are addicted to nikkas yellin at eachother and bein in conflict instead of building through organized debate between knowledgeable panel members.
Entertainment would’ve been inevitable and came naturally when we factor in the outcome of well constructed critique and rankings etc to help push the artform forward.
Especially considering JayBlac
Already had the credibility.
Already had the notoriety.
Already did the numbers.
He didn’t NEED these bad takes diluting The authenticity of the artform on his platform.
Well informed credible takes would sell CHAMPION by itself because of the money incentive + the cultural value he offered on top of everything mentioned prior.
When Chris Unbias did stock drop lists they impacted the culture structure wise and they did numbers too because of the respect his knowledge commanded, same thing.
I hope Blac goes back to the drawing board with who he chooses to be panel members and trims the fat after this year’s COTY.
Not so fast.... "banging in battle rap" lmaooooooooo
Geechi is only one era, DNA was already a star in GrindTime
I like the "Gary" thing but I don't think I had Geechi winning clear vs DNA
They were both in a tournament for money and DNA took that home
DNA kept freestyling ability relevant on the Smack URL platform
Geechi loses a way higher percentage of his battles than DNA. He lost to A. Ward twice, lost to Ave, lost to Cal, lost to Verb, lost to Arsonal, got WALKED by Surf, etc.
DNA resurrected 2 on 2 battles
NWX is the blueprint for whatever Geechi is trying to do with EFB
DNA has always done better YouTube numbers
DNA has done more for battle rap growing as a whole
"DNA Tooth" has a whole career as a blogger
My nikka Wiz coming thru with receipts

Beautiful display of objectivity