Unpopular Opinions About Battle Rap
Always wanted to see the following match ups..
Calicoe vs Dizaster
JC vs The Saurus
Ill Will vs Pat Stay
Gjonaj vs B Dot
Qleen vs Illmac
Also want to see Diz vs Lux. I think Diz would wash him. JC vs Diz would be cool too..
sounds like a URL vs KOTD card somewhat with some of these guys battling on both for extended times. not mad at it.
cal vs diz I like only if cal give him the pat stay treatment. Diz needs that In his life. The rest of the battles you talking is ass
Cal vs Diz would be cool but it can’t be in either Detroit or L.A. need it in a space where they both can have a mutual ground.
I’m cool on Diz. The only battle out there that slightly interests would be Diz vs Real Sikh. That’s the type of battle that would probably bring out the best in him.
Outside of a couple of exceptions, Diz doesn’t seem to do good against url style rappers. Cassidy, Roc, Rex, Jones, Cortez, etc awful performances from Diz
yep Diz dropped the ball on those bigger battles he had. But he will do good against Soul Khan after he changed up, and shut down a hyped up Gjonaj. Plus have a good back and forth with Danny Myers and O’fficial.
but yeah that Real Sikh battle would be a good match up for him. I still think Diz and Charron, if hasn’t happened, it needs to happen.