Unpopular Opinions About Battle Rap
I'll take that over the puking sounds of young Chess.
And that's one of the weaker parallel universe bars he ever spit.

I'll take that over the puking sounds of young Chess.
And that's one of the weaker parallel universe bars he ever spit.
Keep going back to over a year ago compared to something myers himself thought was ridiculous and posted TODAY
Chess is gonna hurt this old man.
They can't all be 10/10. As long as he brings the "space/time continuum" level shyt, he wins, or it's a debateable classic. Chess' pen is crazy, just not THAT crazy.
It’s fukking lit
Quick question for yall. Is anyone still interested in a Conceited return battle?? I was but honestly with the likes of Ave and Nitty i think a Con battle at this point will just tarnish his name. There's no way he's gonna be able to keep up with the punchers of today.
Reason for this is i randomly went back to Con vs Surf. Still one of the dopest battles ever.