I thought both Lux and Mook severely and clearly out-rapped Verb, like on a way way higher level clearly, skills wise. I also think over the years, both have learned how to “dumb it down” and compact shhit and focus more on out-battling their opponent now, as opposed to just out-rapping them. Lux out-battled the shhit out of Nitty, pause (Nitty got that 1st imo tho,)
you had me until you mentioned mook. Listening to mook now is like listening to dna on the level of corniness. I thought verb and mook was both ass in that battle. Might edge it to mook but it’s a forgettable battle. I feel casuals only enjoy mook like that in that battle. I will say mook against tay roc was a mook I can watch more often,