#1 pen in battle with a resume of hardly any pen guys. Just now this year take nitty closest to that was maybe hollow, but geechi? Clips? Arsenal? Surf? Calicoe? Now he wants hitman? Then to lose a few of those match ups as the #1 pen guys is embarrassing. To get trampled by mook and geechi, have 3-0 chants said against you vs verb and clips cmon y'all been riding that pen thing too long a lot of people got pens in hindsight lux might have one of the worst resumes out of all the goat contenders.
Other points, I feel others are way more imitated and had more impact on the culture as it shifted. Lux sorta played the sidelines as most of this was taking place. He had very little to do with the YouTube explosion he came along when it was popping. Guys like arsenal, con, hitman, math, Midwest vs nyb etc these the guys that made YouTube on fire. Pandemic time guys like geechi twork roc nitty and surf made those times fire. Lux barely came to play during all this. Not to mention him and hollow lost to roc and chess with like a week and a half prep. That's just bad.
I hate crapping on beloved like this but you all are never fair in the assessment with him and give him a shyt ton of passes in battle rap you would never give to others in the game. Man got like 12 battles and he lost half them some to guys he should have cleared sorry that brings you down a notch.
Nitty is an elite pen and the difference in levels was still obvious
“Then to lose a few of those matches” 
Lux beat Hollow, Clips, Arsonal, Surf, Verb and Calicoe
What a crowd says does nothing for me when they cheer for Urn N Ash that’s Nash LOL.
The only sources I trust are TheBattleZone, JayBlac and Jon Reel.
Lux won those battles in all those spaces too.
With Hollow changing his whole style afterwards.
With Calicoe being away from Battlerap afterwards.
With Surf goin on a losing spree.
Arsonal, Clips and Verb I genuinely didn’t care about to know what happened.
And yes, Lux got washed by Geechi and Mook,
but this isn’t an insult being that you have them on your Mt Rushmore lol.
Every battler got losses, those two don’t take away from who Lux is and what he has accomplished over a lengthy period.
You feel like others are more imitated but havent named them.
Besides, Lux on the otherhand has shifted the FABRIC of Battlerap structure TWICE and damn near all pen nikkas are his sons by their own admission.
Like Rum Nitty who he battled this year and beat in Battle of the Year.
This year, 2024..
vs Nitty a pen nikka that’s one of his many sons.
Lux is their Endgame for a reason, across MULTIPLE generations.
“Lux is my EndGame battle, because Lux is my GOAT”
- Rum Nitty (12:45) [timestamped]
- Murda Mook (01:19:20)
“Who makes you go back the most to catch shyt?” 
Lux, LUX!! Lux is not.. of this Earth..
with how he puts shyt together.
Like, I swear to God.
and muthafukkas that THINK they rap and they can catch it. They DON’T really be catching it.. I catches..
And I DON’T catch all his shyt and THAT’S why I know he’s REALLY like that, because I catch EVERYTHING.
You not gon’ get nuffin really passed me
in a metaphorical sense, but LUX?!?!?!
This nikka is RIDICULOUS with that shyt and I appreciate that kinda rapping.
Lotta that shyt I can’t do.
I TRIED to do it, but I can’t do it..
- Murda Mook (01:20:00)
As we kick off our series diving into the real lives of Battle Rappers who better to kick it off than the legend himself @murdamookez on April 11th we get th...
Look at it like this.
When Mook and Lux were BOTH outside in the DVD era goin into the URL of era, it was Lux that struck FEAR in battlers.
There were hilarious examples back then of nikkas not wanting that smoke with Lux.
Conceited talking bout “needing a year off to write”
Cortez wide eyed like he saw a ghost talking bout “oh hell naah, not me”
There’s NOONE in Battlerap that was anywhere near as feared as Lux was back then.
Mook was never seen in THAT light, let alone penmanship.
Chess is a Pen nikka, ALL pen nikkas look at LUX as their endgame and the bar when it comes to lyricism.
Lux introduced Clips, Ars, Roc, Goodz, Surf nem through Lionz Den.
So to say he has nothing to do with the YouTube explosion is anti-historical.
Lionz Den, another stat of his btw.
You can’t overlook Lux for the same DVDera nikkas put Mook on a pedestal for that Lux was an integral part of that ushered in YouTube era.
LionzDen was a big part of the YouTube era and Lux made that era PEAK and reach the mainstream with his SM2 performance and introduced ppl of different generations outside of Battlerap to it.
Prior to that I was there on SOHH with
@FreshAIG nem.
I was on TheColi since the beginning and I promise you Lux was always the talk and still is, that’s an undeniable fact bc of work he had put in.
And assigning Surf to making the pandemic fire literally doesn’t make sense when he was out here choking every COTDAMN battle, including the battle Lux beat him in lol.
Being on spaces to grow your Stanbase does nothing for me.
Matter fact, Surf was doing so bad nikkas didn’t even believe he deserved Loaded Lux with multiple choke compilations addressing that very fact.
Loaded Hollows clearly beat Roc and Chess, cut it out bro LOL
Your opinion is your opinion, I respect it.
But in a culture filled with goofy ass Battlerappers that don’t even love the culture
Lux is who he is and has always been since he stepped on the scene.
(which is exactly what he told Verb LOL)