You missed the point...the point is that batman said he was after these guys for trafficking people...and then they led him to the ship and the trafficking angle just turns into the steal the kryptonite angle...unless you going to tell me Lex was trafficking people...then for what reason because I don't remember seeing one scene in the entire movie that made me say "so that is why they were trafficking people"
You really want to debate plot holes in this movie breh

...this is a movie where a fukking senator somehow had the power to block lex from importing kryptonite...uh...senators don't have the power to stop the imports or exports of anything... no matter what kind of council they sit on
Superman can hear Louis Lane drowning to death beneath a ton of rubble but can't see a bomb in a wheelchair 10 feet from him
Did Jack Kirby write this movie
Wonder Woman after this dude over a fukking picture and a ATM video...just fukking say it's not you in the picture
"He's got a photo of mine." You fukking serious with this

...this is the best we can do as a plot point in 2016...

"He got a picture of mine"...