Affleck's dark and broody Batman made his first official outing in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice this evening.
Facing off against Brit star Henry Cavill's Superman, 'Batfleck' was forced to put his abandonment issues to rest once and for all to save humanity.
And while that might sound dramatic, his psychological breakthrough is nothing compared to the action-packed fight sequences that make up this three hour epic.
The intensity of the insanely long film is achieved with special effects, plot twists, geeky references and the volume being turned up to eleven from start to finish.
While die-hard DC Comic devotees might be punching the air as the Justice League are teasingly introduced, the average film fan may be left scratching their head.
Overall Zac Snyder's Batman v Superman blockbuster is an emotionally charged punch-up — but it's newcomer Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman who really steals the show.