I didn't say you name your sources . And my point is they both came back clarifying their points because as originally reported they both seemed extremely negative when they wasn't what they were told . They personally chose to present what they were told in a negative light and that's on them which is why they are getting backlashBecause that's reporting. You can't burn your sources homie. That's the cardinal sin for any reporter. The day you say the name of the person who told you the info that's your last day on the job or at least your last day of being useful to anyone. And what he reported and what Devin reported was corroborated by other journalists so they weren't pulling that out their ass.
And I did refute it basically by saying that's how people chose to interpret it and peoples own projections. That's the risk you take though when you put stuff out there.
I didn't say you name your sources . And my point is they both came back clarifying their points because as originally reported they both seemed extremely negative when they wasn't what they were told . They personally chose to present what they were told in a negative light and that's on them which is why they are getting backlash
How the mighty have fallen, you would never see Tom cruise doing this
Monster genre/universe isn't popping, superhero movies are a trend right now= cruise is attempting to get the ground running on something that's not "in".Whilst Smith is hopping on a current fad. He use to spearhead projects not be late to the party in joining themHe is part of the Universal Monster universe.
I swear I don't know what it is bout her but I think she sexy as shyt.....can't figure it out thonot bad![]()
Besides this famously ignored clip of Supes causing a shytload of completely unnecessary damage entirely by himself, the point regarding the Metropolis destruction was largely Supes' complete indifference to it. I know people are gonna bring up that same old 'like Zod was gonna allow Supes to try and help people or take the fight somewhere else' excuse, but the point is that Supes is apparently even too indifferent to even bother.
To compare that with a certain scene from a certain movie by a certain studio:
Look at that. A guy who actually tries to take the fight somewhere else (1:38) and is also bothering to make sure people can escape even if it puts him at a disadvantage (2:00). And you know what, it doesn't even feel silly for him to do so, in fact, it almost looks like something a hero would do.
It's simple stuff like this that probably bothers me the most about MoS, because it is character building 101 to show that the hero cares, and Snyder/Goyer utterly failed to understand something as simple as that.