The Official Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Movie Thread


All Star
May 19, 2012

Besides this famously ignored clip of Supes causing a shytload of completely unnecessary damage entirely by himself, the point regarding the Metropolis destruction was largely Supes' complete indifference to it. I know people are gonna bring up that same old 'like Zod was gonna allow Supes to try and help people or take the fight somewhere else' excuse, but the point is that Supes is apparently even too indifferent to even bother.

To compare that with a certain scene from a certain movie by a certain studio:

Look at that. A guy who actually tries to take the fight somewhere else (1:38) and is also bothering to make sure people can escape even if it puts him at a disadvantage (2:00). And you know what, it doesn't even feel silly for him to do so, in fact, it almost looks like something a hero would do. :ohhh:

It's simple stuff like this that probably bothers me the most about MoS, because it is character building 101 to show that the hero cares, and Snyder/Goyer utterly failed to understand something as simple as that.

You also have to remember this isn't seasoned supes, I think the developments in this movie is to set up supes views on handling these situations better I.e the hard learning process. Let's be real tho zod and crew gave zero fukks bout human life and supes had to stop them in whatever arena he could. If you think they would go in to chill mode you tripping, zod wanted earth to be the new krypton and that's all cared to see happend.


Jun 26, 2012

Besides this famously ignored clip of Supes causing a shytload of completely unnecessary damage entirely by himself, the point regarding the Metropolis destruction was largely Supes' complete indifference to it. I know people are gonna bring up that same old 'like Zod was gonna allow Supes to try and help people or take the fight somewhere else' excuse, but the point is that Supes is apparently even too indifferent to even bother.

To compare that with a certain scene from a certain movie by a certain studio:

Look at that. A guy who actually tries to take the fight somewhere else (1:38) and is also bothering to make sure people can escape even if it puts him at a disadvantage (2:00). And you know what, it doesn't even feel silly for him to do so, in fact, it almost looks like something a hero would do. :ohhh:

It's simple stuff like this that probably bothers me the most about MoS, because it is character building 101 to show that the hero cares, and Snyder/Goyer utterly failed to understand something as simple as that.

This gotta be the lamest argument considering in BOTH BvS and Civil War, they addressing the total destruction and lives lost (which technically, Avengers caused way more) are the central point of their films conflict.

And you are completely wrong about Superman being indifferent. I mean lets ignore the fact that he literally SACRIFICED and TURNED HIMSELF IN for the sake of saving humanity in the 1st place. Or the fact that his emotions got the best of him in Smallville at the thought of Zod harming his mother, and still tried to save people while in Smallville. Or the fact during all that time he JUST OFFICIALLY started as only for half a day. Then lets not forget that the vast MAJORITY of the destruction happened even before Superman & Zod fought because of that world terra-forming machine. Or his vow he made with the general at the very end of the film promising he's there to protect the people and won't be a threat. To say he was "indifferent" is clearly incorrect. He wouldn't of SNAPPED ZOD'S neck if he didn't care about human lives. The destruction in itself is both impart of Zod's determination to kill every single human and Superman being a VIRTUAL AMATEUR without understanding the consequences.... but all of that is null and void because that is the CENTRAL PART being addressed in BvS which is why BOTH Batman and Lex Luthor have an issue with him.

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014



Whattaya hear, whattaya say?
May 1, 2012
Northeast Ohio
So if we follow #BvSPremier on Twitter we're bound to hear some chatter soon regarding the movie :lupe: don't know I should follow or not :lupe: it's so close yet so far away :noah: Gal Gadot come catch these seedlings :noah:

Is there any video of the red carpet??


May 7, 2012
It's not reporting if it's your guess. Again what they do is no different from what Chuck Todd or Andrea Mitchell or wolf blitzer do. You report what you know and then you analyze what you've heard and make guesses or opinions. The reaction is the way it is because of what the fans project on those guesses and opinions and I get it. I get that people are passionate about this stuff and we all want them to be good. No one should want bad movies to exist or cheer when something is bad. Especially if you spend your money on it. But there's also a fundamental misunderstanding of reporting and journalism that fans have. It's just like when fans want all the coverage of their favorite team to be positive and get mad at local reporters for not being positive. It's not the job of the reporter to soothe the fanbase or just tell them what they want to hear. It's their job to state what they know and what they've heard through their connects and if your connect tells you that the studio is a tad worried then you report what your connect told you. The difference is the fans can't single out a faceless studio connect but they can single out a reporter and kill the messenger. The same exact thing happened with spectre when the reports came out that Sony wasn't completely happy with it or the fact that the movie needed to make X amount in order to make a profit and it was a serious amount. Bond fans didn't get on some kill the messenger shyt even when the news had a negative spin to it because there's no point to that. I'm not going to be mad at anyone for reporting what they heard. That's their job. But I'm also not going to give a damn whether this reporter wants the movie to do well or doesn't. That has no effect on me and my enjoyment of it or lack of enjoyment. If he says based on what he's hearing Snyder might be replaced, okay that's what he heard. Now unless one or two or several of us can say otherwise or say we heard otherwise, how can we debate him?
We gonna have to disagree on this . Your argument doesn't refute my point that they chose to go with the more negative spin on several DC related stories and then when was proven wrong was like hey we heard this! It's the same thing as how Chris Broussard gets roasted for reporting.
When your reporting things things you heard from nameless sources that can never be proven (especially in situations like this ) and you choose to run with things in a negative light you look biased. Your acting as if that doesn't happens regularly in the media , like Fox News and CNBC both report the same stories the same exact ways.