The Official Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Movie Thread

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
From a guy who saw a screening today (No Spoilers). He also said that he's only seen MOS once and didn't really like it after the first act

- Superman is the MVP of the movie
- Ben's Batman matched Keaton's and was better than Bale but there's still room for improvement. Loved his take though, he liked Bruce more than Batman because he felt it's a more requiring part of his character in his opinion.
- Batman is very dark and terrifying
- Ben & Irons had great chemistry along with Cavill and Lane
- A very unique comic book movie that is unlike the majority. It will stay with you for a long time
- Had a problem with Irons and Lane being underutilized in their roles but Lane had very emotional and impactful scenes in the few she had
- Gadot's role is small but has great screen presence and stole the scenes she was in. Looking forward to her solo outing
- Says it's Zack's best movie by far
- Superman's arc made the movie great in his opinion, it's really heartbreaking and dives into the mythology of his character
- Terrio's writing is very obvious as it's a major improvement from Goyer on MOS
- Felt like a whole new creative team was involved.
- The movie matched TDK and was in his opinion more enjoyable but will have to go back and see the movie again to see how it holds up

Final score: 8.5/10

I have faith in this movie, but better than Watchmen? :patrice:


May 1, 2012
t-dot till they bury me
From a guy who saw a screening today (No Spoilers). He also said that he's only seen MOS once and didn't really like it after the first act

- Superman is the MVP of the movie
- Ben's Batman matched Keaton's and was better than Bale but there's still room for improvement. Loved his take though, he liked Bruce more than Batman because he felt it's a more requiring part of his character in his opinion.
- Batman is very dark and terrifying
- Ben & Irons had great chemistry along with Cavill and Lane
- A very unique comic book movie that is unlike the majority. It will stay with you for a long time
- Had a problem with Irons and Lane being underutilized in their roles but Lane had very emotional and impactful scenes in the few she had
- Gadot's role is small but has great screen presence and stole the scenes she was in. Looking forward to her solo outing
- Says it's Zack's best movie by far
- Superman's arc made the movie great in his opinion, it's really heartbreaking and dives into the mythology of his character
- Terrio's writing is very obvious as it's a major improvement from Goyer on MOS
- Felt like a whole new creative team was involved.
- The movie matched TDK and was in his opinion more enjoyable but will have to go back and see the movie again to see how it holds up

Final score: 8.5/10

Well, damn :leon:
Sep 12, 2013
everyone is gonna have a different opinion.

this guy says superman was the best part but you have some people saying it's batman, including the execs at WB... "allegedly"


The King of Comedy
May 1, 2012
Detroit, MI
From a guy who saw a screening today (No Spoilers). He also said that he's only seen MOS once and didn't really like it after the first act

- Superman is the MVP of the movie
- Ben's Batman matched Keaton's and was better than Bale but there's still room for improvement. Loved his take though, he liked Bruce more than Batman because he felt it's a more requiring part of his character in his opinion.
- Batman is very dark and terrifying
- Ben & Irons had great chemistry along with Cavill and Lane
- A very unique comic book movie that is unlike the majority. It will stay with you for a long time
- Had a problem with Irons and Lane being underutilized in their roles but Lane had very emotional and impactful scenes in the few she had
- Gadot's role is small but has great screen presence and stole the scenes she was in. Looking forward to her solo outing
- Says it's Zack's best movie by far
- Superman's arc made the movie great in his opinion, it's really heartbreaking and dives into the mythology of his character
- Terrio's writing is very obvious as it's a major improvement from Goyer on MOS
- Felt like a whole new creative team was involved.
- The movie matched TDK and was in his opinion more enjoyable but will have to go back and see the movie again to see how it holds up

Final score: 8.5/10

- Glad to hear Supes gets the true shine here. Batman will always be Batman, but Superman needs this W
- It pleases me to hear Keaton being praised as the better Batman of everyone we've seen since his Batman. Affleck needs to have his Bruce be convincing, and not just have us say "Hey, it's Ben Affleck!"
- Batman being "dark and terrifying" is subjective, if it's not convincing.
- The chemistry of the two pairings would set this movie up for failure the most if it wasn't there, so I'm glad to hear it's coming off good
- Unique, you say?
- In a packed movie, Alfred and Lois were the most likely to suffer time constraints. Glad to hear they make their mark, regardless.
- Ready for Diana to come to life and have me simping like a little girl that has to pee
- Zack finally hitting his stride?
- I love the OG 78 Superman, and it's top 3 favorite comic book movie, but I'm tired of referencing it as the most faithful adaptation of Supes, when we're damn near 40 years removed from it. Cavil has to take control here and now
- Goyer is a horrible writer, who was saved by Nolan's brother in the Dark Knight trilogy
- Affleck and Terio saving us!
- TDK holds up somewhat, but only in forwarding through the movie to watch specific parts. Even MOS compels me to watch it from beginning to end more. I'd love to watch a 3+ hour supercut of the trilogy, and I'd be happy.

8.5/10 is acceptable, but I hope this isn't the ceiling of opinions out there.

Just over 2 weeks to go :lupe:


Flat Girther
May 2, 2012
Flint, Michigan
Changing the back design on the shirt. the "L" on the other font looked too weird.
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