The Official Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Movie Thread


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
How much more knowledge did you need when if you watch it MOST things are self explanatory :heh:

"Bu-bu-but why did batman want to fight":heh:

lol, I got everything from the start, breh. I just don't understand your logic of the movie being easier to understand on multiple viewings since this logic works for pretty much any movie ever.:russ:

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
The only thing this movie made me think about is what is Snyder's ideal of heroism in the context of Superman. I just re-watched the Doomsday animated movie and no hyperbole Superman is more heroic in 20's minutes of that than he is in two feature length Snyder films. I get the sense that Snyder thinks that it doesn't matter how a heroic act takes place, but so as long as it does "take place." In other words, he doesn't seem to discern any difference from the unwilling hero, accidental hero, conscious hero, etc. Whereas in terms of heroism (at least in the medium of film and TV), I'm of the belief that people overwhelmingly do make that distinction, and actually do care about context. It's one of those things where people have Kantian deontological views on a behavior. Essentially, the consequences of Superman's choices don't matter being that consequence is often out of one's control. What does matter is if he acted out a sense of duty and for the reason/motivation -- which Kant would say are known to us by categorical imperatives or universal laws.

We want our heroes to want to be heroic. We want them to act out of a sense of duty. We want Superman to want to actually be Superman. Not to go about it like it's a 9-5 that he's been schlepping to for 11 years with no raises, shytty benefits and he has to drink 3 cups of coffee to get through the workday. After two movies, I have no idea what sense of motivation Snyder's Superman operates on. He does heroic shyt, but it's always with a pained expression, dour look on his face like he'd rather be crocheting or some shyt. When the opportunity presents itself in his movies for Superman to explain his feelings or thoughts on his actions it's always fumbled. The bathtub scene with Amy Adams is a prime example when she said, "I'm not sure it's possible." For better or worse, Superman has an undeniable sense of self and his place in the world in a greater context. He knows who he his, which leads to why he's here and gives him a sense of duty. If you take that away from him, he's no longer Superman. You completely alter the ethos of the character. Thus, I'm not sure who the fukk Cavill is supposed to be playing.

You don't have to make Superman the saving cats from trees, tripping over his feet when not in costume, random fact dropping klutz. Those are purely external circumstances. However, you do have to make him actually WANT to be Superman.That's an internal thing that manifests itself externally.

We went from, "There's nobody left to help them now... the people of the world :mjcry:."


"I'm not sure if you can love me and still be you :usure:."



You know Snyder has no writing credit right? What's the common denominator (in writing) between MoS and BvS? Goyer. Sometimes the simplest answer is the right one
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Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
So what you're saying is that the comment wasn't the joke, but you are? :ohhh:

If you had to watch it three times for the movie to become easier to understand, doesn't that make it the fukking opposite of easy to understand? :russ:
Basically was like the people that say, after hearing the song on the radio 100 times, I like it now.
Sep 12, 2013
You know Snyder has no writing credit right? What's the common denominator (in writing) between MoS and BvS? Goyer. Sometimes the simplest answer is the right one
Terrio came in and "rewrote" the script and this is still the best he could come up with. All that babbling about greek tragedy bullshyt and we get a movie for 7th graders, and it's supposedly the most "intellectual" thing he thinks he's ever written.
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Apr 20, 2015
Apparent the film is about to fall off a cliff at the box office.

$15 mill for Friday:scust:.

They HAVE fire Snyder at this point.:yeshrug:

Let James Won direct JL. The guy who brought you FF7 will get people, especially China, excited:manny:

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
A 2nd and 3rd viewing definitely makes this movie seem better

This movie improves the more times you watch it. :ehh: Most here seem to agree.

Watched Ant-Man (film I liked) last night and was got worse.

Then again maybe thats just how it is for comedies. Age of Ultron still about the same for me. :manny::ehh:


May 6, 2012
PAT 2 HTown
I saw it twice. I haven't read the last few pages but what was Flash wearing....that didn't look like his suit

Yea my kid asked if that was supposed to be Flash, she wasn't sure because of him wearing that mech suit or whatever.

One other thing I forgot to add yesterday. The "Martha" thing was almost as bad as the "dance off" in GOTG.


Feb 5, 2015
Batman defiantly carries these movies. Im sorry but the only reason this movie barely has legs is because of batman. Superman just isnt as big nor popular as he use to be. People just don't care about him no more. Batman on his own can make a billion dollar movie. Superman can not. Thats why dc who didnt even have no batman films in the future, now got ben affleck writing a script for a solo batman film.


Aug 30, 2013
The 'Go
Batman defiantly carries these movies. Im sorry but the only reason this movie barely has legs is because of batman. Superman just isnt as big nor popular as he use to be. People just don't care about him no more. Batman on his own can make a billion dollar movie. Superman can not. Thats why dc who didnt even have no batman films in the future, now got ben affleck writing a script for a solo batman film.
There was always supposed to be batman solo flicks though

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
The only thing this movie made me think about is what is Snyder's ideal of heroism in the context of Superman. I just re-watched the Doomsday animated movie and no hyperbole Superman is more heroic in 20's minutes of that than he is in two feature length Snyder films. I get the sense that Snyder thinks that it doesn't matter how a heroic act takes place, but so as long as it does "take place." In other words, he doesn't seem to discern any difference from the unwilling hero, accidental hero, conscious hero, etc. Whereas in terms of heroism (at least in the medium of film and TV), I'm of the belief that people overwhelmingly do make that distinction, and actually do care about context. It's one of those things where people have Kantian deontological views on a behavior. Essentially, the consequences of Superman's choices don't matter being that consequence is often out of one's control. What does matter is if he acted out a sense of duty and for the reason/motivation -- which Kant would say are known to us by categorical imperatives or universal laws.

We want our heroes to want to be heroic. We want them to act out of a sense of duty. We want Superman to want to actually be Superman. Not to go about it like it's a 9-5 that he's been schlepping to for 11 years with no raises, shytty benefits and he has to drink 3 cups of coffee to get through the workday. After two movies, I have no idea what sense of motivation Snyder's Superman operates on. He does heroic shyt, but it's always with a pained expression, dour look on his face like he'd rather be crocheting or some shyt. When the opportunity presents itself in his movies for Superman to explain his feelings or thoughts on his actions it's always fumbled. The bathtub scene with Amy Adams is a prime example when she said, "I'm not sure it's possible." For better or worse, Superman has an undeniable sense of self and his place in the world in a greater context. He knows who he his, which leads to why he's here and gives him a sense of duty. If you take that away from him, he's no longer Superman. You completely alter the ethos of the character. Thus, I'm not sure who the fukk Cavill is supposed to be playing.

You don't have to make Superman the saving cats from trees, tripping over his feet when not in costume, random fact dropping klutz. Those are purely external circumstances. However, you do have to make him actually WANT to be Superman.That's an internal thing that manifests itself externally.

We went from, "There's nobody left to help them now... the people of the world :mjcry:."


"I'm not sure if you can love me and still be you :usure:."



Snyder kind of was giving Superman those Dr. Manhattan vibes in this film. I think once he got the backlash for Man of Steel they scrapped the idea of going for a more classic Superman. Hopefully that version in the Justice League movie instead of the New 52 stoic version.
What do you think of this article though breh. :jbhmm:

Zack Snyder Loves Superman, And 'Batman V Superman' Proves It


Aug 30, 2013
The 'Go
Snyder kind of was giving Superman those Dr. Manhattan vibes in this film. I think once he got the backlash for Man of Steel they scrapped the idea of going for a more classic Superman. Hopefully that version in the Justice League movie instead of the New 52 stoic version.
What do you think of this article though breh. :jbhmm:

Zack Snyder Loves Superman, And 'Batman V Superman' Proves It
Bruce Wayne knows this as well. His entire arc is that of a man whose life is defined by feeling powerless, beginning as a child watching his parents murdered in the street for no reason at all and growing up to dedicate his life to fighting crime as Batman. He became a gardner, pulling up weeds in a garden already overrun by them, and now as an aging man he faces the harsh truth of his ineffectiveness, of the terrible losses despite his best intentions and best efforts. He has the knowledge to understand now that he’s always been powerless, that he never escaped that alley where he watched helplessly as his parents died. That’s why he’s become cruel, more violent, crossing lines he didn’t cross before. The world didn’t become better and safer, it just fought back twice as hard to remain corrupt, and so Batman keeps fighting harder in return, even as he feels his battle is hopeless in the end.

My god :wow:

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
Its a well written article :wow:
Lex and Bruce represent the world itself, a flawed and distrustful place that feels unworthy of absolute good and so cannot let itself dare to hope such good really exists. Idealism has been replaced with cold disillusionment even among the youth who are far too inexperienced and immature to truly feel as faux-jaded and cynical-chic as they pretend to be. Power always, inevitably becomes corrupted and used to perpetuate inequality, violence, oppression, exploitation, and other ills in our world, we say. So we reject hope, we reject the idea of a common good, because it’s not 1938 and apples don’t cost a nickel and the “good ol’ days” were never good for everybody after all.​

That’s the main hope and faith Batman is demonstrating — he will save Martha, he will not fail Superman when Superman has put his own mother’s life in Batman’s hands based on that promise. Batman went from trying to kill Superman, to seeing Superman as a hero with a mom in danger and in need of rescue. Batman will over time become more of the hero he used to be, and avoid killing outright, I believe, with rare exceptions similar to in the comics (like when fighting some alien animal/monster threatening to mass murder people). That’s why he doesn’t brand Lex Luthor at the end of the film, that’s why he says he won’t fail Superman in death, and that’s why he wants to form the Justice League.
During the U.S. Capitol sequence, a crazed bomber destroys Congress to punish Superman and send the message that hatred and cynicism will always strike as long as Superman continues trying to inspire us. This is the moment where Superman’s true doubt about his role on Earth begins. His doubts arise because he has thus far insisted he won’t stop helping people and fighting for good, just because people blame him for side-effects caused by bad people. He cannot, he felt, predict such things and he cannot plan his actions based on assuming the worst in humanity — that’s contrary to his entire purpose, obviously.

Now, however, he realizes that the bombing is just a symbol of a bigger problem. He didn’t see the bomb that was right in front of him, he says, because he wasn’t looking. He didn’t assume the worst, he didn’t believe the world when the world tried to tell him repeatedly that it was cynical and rejected hope. He didn’t want to believe it, because he believed in his ideals. And he still does, but he no longer has the same level of faith that humanity can come to embrace his idealism too. He hasn’t entirely lost faith, but he’s struggling with it, and with the decision about how to respond.​

That look on his face after that Granny's Peach Tea scene. :mjcry: Legit deserves a MJ smiley meme :heh::wow:
This is why I say Justice League has to deliver OG Superman. After all this to finally become who he's suppose too :ohlawd:



Aug 30, 2013
The 'Go
Its a well written article :wow:

That look on his face after that Granny's Peach Tea scene. :mjcry: Legit deserves a MJ smiley meme :heh::wow:
This is why I say Justice League has to deliver OG Superman. After all this to finally become who he's suppose too :ohlawd:

It's just so amazing to see that someone else saw what I saw in the movie :wow:

A man with power trying to do the right thing and almost succumbing to the evils of the world like Batman and Lex. I loved when he pointed out that Batman and Lex were two sides of the same coin with the same motivation to hate Superman.

That article makes me want to see the film again :damn: