The Official "Avengers: Infinity War" Thread (SPOILERS)


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
Watching right now :blessed:

It's over.



May 7, 2012
I think MCU leaning so heavily on Captain Marvel is a big mistake. Her movie is set up as a must see based on the ending here but I think it's going to flop


Guarantee you Thor will send lightning to her to augment her power in next avengers

Nah, fam. I see this ending with Tony and Cap handing Thanos the fade and one/both of them getting murked while doing it.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
Other than period pieces like first avenger and captain marvel...I really wish they went in chronological order with their movies

9 times out of 10 they do but there is things that happen in "Infinity War" that would have to be immediately addressed in the next 1-2 MCU movies unless they were earlier in the time line.



May 12, 2012
i wrote a long ass spew of what i thought, i doubt anyone wants to read the whole thing, so I'll put it in spoiler so you don't have to scroll past it if you don't want. I nitpick a lot, but i liked the movie obviously

far and away the highlight of this movie was characters meeting or reacquanting. i won't even lie, i smiled so much in those scenes my eyes got misty... there wasn't a single interaction that didn't elicit a "holy shyt!" from me.

too much positivity... i'll just cut right to the part you're gonna shyt on me for... that ending...

i felt almost nothing. that had such little impact on me. literally the only part of the poof scenes that left a dent was Peter pleading for his life.

I saw a couple "non-spoiler" review tweets, and even here people were saying the ending will leave you speechless. the audience ws dead silent, etc. i didn't feel that way. i actually thought that whole sequence was more cool than sad.

Ya know what that had no impact? b/c they're not fukkin dead. i guess i know that was coming, but why should i care that 10 characters are fake dead for a year? So basically, Loki and Heimdell died in this movie, that's it.

in fact as the characters disappearing was happening i was actually more pissed that it meant the movie was about to end. all the various scenes bouncing around to lead up to another end battle in Wakanda left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. I'm pissed the Stark crew didn't make it to the fight, so we better get the scene in part 4 where every character is in the same place. But again, i didn't think the final battle in Black Panther was as great as i wanted it to be, so this one kinda just felt like a continuation a bit... and it gets said ad nauseam, but fighting the hordes of mindless whateverthefukks is old. i mean, i don't even think they got named in this movie... not that it matters.

I fully expect some bs about the soul stone being destroyed thus freeing Gamora, and Vision being ressurected by a copy Shuri made or something. I predicted those 3 "deaths" and they were all very easy predictions. my fukkin endless speculation actually stepped on Gamora's death. that should have been a "Peter/Vulture in the car" big reveal "holy fukkin shyt" moment but it wasn't b/c I basically did homework and decided it was a good narrative move to have her die. ok, so i didn't know the exact way it would go down, but still...

i pretty much knew what i was getting into. i knew this would be open ended, but if i was supposed to weep b/c T'challa and Peter Quill "died," gimmie a break. even people who don't follow these closely know they're coming back. i also never like seeing any harm befall Groot - but teen Groot sucks, hope he's adult again going forward. really, i wish he just stayed Baby Groot.

the stakes of the movie actually did lead me to believe for about 12 seconds that Tony might die there... but i shook that feeling almost immediately b/c the timing just didn't feel right.

... but somehow this movie had all the stakes in the universe but very little stakes at the same time. i'm hoping one of the deaths is real and fukks everyone's head. like say they come back with Black Panther 2 and oh shyt, T'Challa is actually fukkin dead this time (2nd fake death for him in 2 movies, btw) so Shuri wears the suit now. that'd be ballsy as fukk... and there's -5% chance that happens.

i don't have a mvp for this movie, and i'm kinda bummed about it. it's obviously the culmination of everything and an ensemble, but i still thought there would be a top dog even in defeat. I guess you can say Thor was awesome at the end, but the forge a new Mjolnir side mission was... ok? i mean, i like the "Rabbit" (loved that) Groot and Thor trio having a little adventure, but i didn't i could have fast forwarded everything after Dinklage explained how he forges the weapons. btw, i don't know if i liked his performance. it was hammy as fukk... i think i did. yeah, fukk it, i like giant elf bro. i also liked how Groot helped.

oh btw, remember when Thor was a solid character with a couple of decent movies and supporting roles in Avenger movies, then got a haircut and somehow became one of the greatest movie characters of all time? remember that? bc that shyt happened.

Lot of cool scenes, lot of cool moments of characters fighting beside each other,
but i'm not breaking them down, b/c i only really like expanding on negatives in my reviews, goddammit.

Here are a few:

-The Black Order lackeys were hot garbage. Ebony Maw was cool, but i HATED his death. mostly b/c i HATED the Peter Parker movie reference callback. I don't know why, i just did.

i guess him getting sucked into space was cool, i don't know, but every Black Order death felt anti-climactic, and the chick looked absolutely fukkin terrible. pretty sure they cast Carrie c00n a week ago and just shoehorned a few weird closeup shots of her face into the movie. she definitely wasn't the stunt woman in the role when they leaked filming photos, and most of the shots of her face looked like they have just sky behind them so it was done in reshoots or something.

-I'm gonna get destroyed for this here but... sorry but they really need to fukkin beef Black Panther the fukk up. That character does almost nothing cool. I mean he does, but i can't think of a single friggin second from this movie, or that fight where i thought "whoa, nice one, black panther!" He also had the weakest disappearance. that should have been better. he's too major a character to go out like that. everyone else's felt like it had more weight.

-People always bytch when NYC gets blown up in every movie, but ya know what... i kinda missed it after they left. all the locations pre-Wakanda were forgettable.

-Appreciated Vision "dying" twice, but he literally just got the time gem, so that was obviously gonna happen.

-Peter Quill wasn't funny in this movie. I love the character, but he may be my LVP... plus punching Thanos, while true to the character, pissed me off... but i guess it was supposed to.

-Actually, not LVP or anything, but Cap was kinda underwhelming. he's just not the same without the frisbee. I will say this, now that Tony has had his whiff of death, i think Cap is a stonecold lock to be the big death of part 4 if he wasn't already a lock.

-Post credit was... ok. i'm completely over Sam Jackson saying "motherfukker" it's way beyond parody at this point, and i don't care about Captain Marvel's logo as i know that shyt is coming anyway.

So the next movie is the conveniently still alive original Avengers fukking around through time and space to ressurect all their fallen comrades with the help of Ant-man? The only character that really threw me for a loop by "dying" was Strange, b/c i assumed they'd need him for that. I guess Wong might still be alive, and i assume they'll somehow get Strange back early.

That shot of everyone running with the Hulk in the trailer was a nice fakeout. they should do shyt like that more often.

What else?

Thanos was good. Jury still out on him with next movie to see if it was truly worth 8 years of buildup.

Red Skull was dope.

Dr. Strange 2 is gonna be an incredible movie.

Okoye is a legit funny character and there needs to be a Starbucks in Wakanda in part 2 or they're missing an easy callback joke

Scarlett Witch is so damn powerful yet every time she uses her powers i find the scene to be completely "meh."

Bucky picking up "Rabbit" may have been my favorite shot of that whole battle sequence, and i love how they kept the running gags of Thor's face smashed on a windshield and Rocket stealing/wanting limbs.

Iron Spider - cool functionality, worst spiderman suit on screen to date.

Ironman's suits get so much more advanced movie to movie that i can't even nitpick. i'll accept literally anything from them at this point. i guess he can literally do surgery on sword wounds with cauterization now. sure, fine, go for it.

How did they not have a "Peter meeting Peter" moment?

Poor Drax. he doesn't get enough cool action moments, and he's basically just a jokebot at this point... but i do like most of his jokes. he's good for 4 or 5 really good ones and one absolute dud.

Stop showing Ironmen faces while still in the suit, it looks brutal. Don Cheadle always looks ridiculous. Mark Ruffalo in the Hulkbuster was lol bad, but also lol funny

The Bruce-Nat moment was short and appreciated.

Can't believe I'm asking for more of a romance angle, but feel like GotG2 could have ramped up the Quill/Gamora relationship much better.

Still don't really know what stone was doing what, but that's more on me b/c i'm sure they've pounded us over the head with them over the years.

Who's gonna weild the backup gauntlet that Dinklage had in his forge? is Thanos gonna go get that since his is beat to shyt or can he just make it brand new with the stones? or was that just a mold? i feel like seeing that was chekov's gun and there's gonna be another gauntlet, but i could be wrong

I'm a moron, i thought that last scene with Thanos was Hawkeye's house for a second, and they were gonna cut to him watching his family turn to dust in one completely unnecessary scene of misery for the poor guy. BTW, i accept their reasoning for Clint and Scott not being there, but house arrest and family shouldn't prevent them from helping. i also think we're gonna find out Scott is in the microverse during this movie.

it's hard to sit here and say this meets all expectations or is the best Marvel movie, b/c it's just a half. i assumed that, but i still kinda left unfulfilled in that department. i fukkin hate split movies. i'm not ranking it. i'll probably see it again next week. ok, i am ranking it 4/5. I like Ragnarok better, sue me. I can't say Civil War is better b/c they took the best part of Civil War and just made it an entire movie. Still might like Winter Soldier better overall... but doubt i'll stay that way once i see this again. Don't think Ragnarok is getting topped though, i fukkin love everything about tht movie.

I'm glad i didn't read spoilers, but just reading about the infinity gauntlet comic and watching these movies over the years, there weren't many "shocking" moments to me. All of them "dying" wasn't shocking. Gamora dying wasn't "shocking." Red Skull legit was. Was that Hugo Weaving?

I don't even know what the fukk i just said. i don't know, i like to be "critical" even when i liked something.

good luck reading all this... you won't.
Aug 3, 2012
I still feel some type of way with Marvel fronting like BP & cast were gunna be major players in this movie, only for the trailers to have contained basically all their scenes.
Thats false advertising and they deserve every bit of flak they catch from it.

All of captain americas scenes were in the trailer too

His intro with him catching the spear
Him showing up to Wakanda
Him holding Thanos fist