Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
Bu bu bu bu bu But Marvel be showing too much in the trailers.
Bu bu bu bu bu But Marvel be showing too much in the trailers.
Lol I never wanted to say anything but that running scene did look extremely underwhelming
This is a genius strategy by marvel to spoil without spoiling
The squad out here white water raftin'
The squad out here white water raftin'
Who is this pawg in pink
I just wannna know (Meek Mill voice)Who is this pawg in pink
Who is this pawg in pink
I just wannna know (Meek Mill voice)
Who's the chick in the pink tho?!?! Dat ass poking out...
He's getting the full gauntlet, they've been building up to this for 10yrs and sorry to say but by the end we're all going to be likeI feel like in order for this to work they really gotta nerf the infinity gauntlet since they can barely go toe to toe with regular thanos. Thats why i think they are showing him using stones individually because he may never get the full gauntlet. Like when he roll up on strange with the time stone It could end with him going back to avengers 1 to avoid that death blow and to stop him from getting the other stones
Nevermind my nikkaThats her page lol
Nevermind my nikka
Nevermind my nikka