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Mar 23, 2013


This was so gangsta when I read It I can imagine him saying It with a smug ass voice to :mjgrin:
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May 1, 2012
Bay Area
Looking at the new sneak peak I think they try to take on Thanos with Capt Marvel

I watched Captain Marvel late , the first marvel movies I had questions about but unfortunely the captain marvel thread is complete trash, literally the last 50 pages or so is just arguing over box office numbers (thought that doesnt happen here @hex :usure: ) and got tired of looking for the answers.. maybe they can answer them here

-Why was she able to handle the tesseract? Arent the stones supposed to kill anyone instantly if they touch them? I originally thought she was made from it, but she really wasnt

-A young Ronan appears and sees her power.. but mentions nothing of it later on in the Guardians of Galaxy, is it safe to assume hes warned Thanos of her? And thanos will be prepared for her in End Game? Seems kind of a conversation to pop up over the past 30 years between them since Ronan was a general or whatever for Thanos? "Hey I met this girl she glowed and shyt and wiped out my army and ships in seconds on Earth" seems like a conversation that would of happened..

-If shes been away for... 20? 30 years? Fighting the Skrulls, she failed to killed Ronan in 30 years? or even fight him again? Wasnt he supreme leader of Skulls or whatever? If Ronan was fighting her the past 30 years or so, why was he so easily defeated/ill prepared for Guardians of The Galaxy?

-Was their an easter egg for her in Guardians of The Galaxy if her story ties in with it more than the Avengers story? Did I miss it?

-So Earth saves the Kree and the leader, and over the past 30 years they havnt reached out to help Earth or the Avengers? They know who Nick Fury is

-The foreshadowing done in Captain Marvel kind of makes Iron Man and Thor origin stories make no sense.. since SHIELD was well aware of outside powers decades before :dwillhuh: Thor origin story gives off the vibe that this is the 1st time theyve seen cosmic power :dwillhuh:


Dec 8, 2015
I watched Captain Marvel late , the first marvel movies I had questions about but unfortunely the captain marvel thread is complete trash, literally the last 50 pages or so is just arguing over box office numbers (thought that doesnt happen here @hex :usure: ) and got tired of looking for the answers.. maybe they can answer them here

-Why was she able to handle the tesseract? Arent the stones supposed to kill anyone instantly if they touch them? I originally thought she was made from it, but she really wasnt

-A young Ronan appears and sees her power.. but mentions nothing of it later on in the Guardians of Galaxy, is it safe to assume hes warned Thanos of her? And thanos will be prepared for her in End Game? Seems kind of a conversation to pop up over the past 30 years between them since Ronan was a general or whatever for Thanos? "Hey I met this girl she glowed and shyt and wiped out my army and ships in seconds on Earth" seems like a conversation that would of happened..

-If shes been away for... 20? 30 years? Fighting the Skrulls, she failed to killed Ronan in 30 years? or even fight him again? Wasnt he supreme leader of Skulls or whatever? If Ronan was fighting her the past 30 years or so, why was he so easily defeated/ill prepared for Guardians of The Galaxy?

-Was their an easter egg for her in Guardians of The Galaxy if her story ties in with it more than the Avengers story? Did I miss it?

-So Earth saves the Kree and the leader, and over the past 30 years they havnt reached out to help Earth or the Avengers? They know who Nick Fury is

-The foreshadowing done in Captain Marvel kind of makes Iron Man and Thor origin stories make no sense.. since SHIELD was well aware of outside powers decades before :dwillhuh: Thor origin story gives off the vibe that this is the 1st time theyve seen cosmic power :dwillhuh:
Severals things here.
1) Carol was mutated by exposure to the tesseracts energy that was in the lightspeed drive and absorbed it not the tessseract or the space stone itself. Probably not unlike the experiments Hydra was doing on Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Infinity stones aren't really consistent with the wielding infinity stones mythology, but Natalie Portman was slowly dying in Thor 2 when she contained the reality stone in its aerther form and Malekith was able to use it as a Dark Elf. And the power stone was kill on contact unless you were a powerful being by yourself ,or shared the power with multiple people, or attached it to a weapon. Its also good to realize unless it is in a weapon the power stone is auto use mode which is why I assume it kills you if you touch it. In AOS they discover a hydra weapon powered by tesseract energy that disinegrates people but that was made to be weaponized and might have something to do with concentration. Simply put wielding a stone kills weak beings depending on the person and stone. Cpt Marvel was just exposed to and absorbed some residual energy in the lightspeed drive. And she only ever handled the tesseract not the space stone directly and even then she may be powerful enough to handle it at the end of the movie.

2) Thanos is the most powerful being in the galaxy and a tyrannical despot. Ronan is a galactic space police of a corrupt aloen empire. They had a Hitler/Stalin relationship with Thanos having the upper hand. Their relationship in GOTG is purely political. They werent friends, buddies, master-pupil, or anything even mutually positive. The moment it didnt suit ronan he went back on their loose alliance with a semi common goal and planned to use the stone to destory xander AND Thanos afterwards. I dont know why you believe Ronan would tell Thanos about captain marvel at all especially considering he was attemtping weaponize her. You must have completely misundertood Ronan and Thanos's dynamic.

3) Ahh. I see you didnt watch Captain Marvel. The skrulls as bad guys was a red herring. The kree were the bad guys. She was effectively brainwashed into believeing she was a part of the kree empire and believed the skrulls were bad guys when they were really like the rebellion from star wars trying to find their scattered refugees and escape kree genocide. She regains her memories and turns on the kree and with the rest of the skrulls to find a homeworld.

4) Obviously you know this makes no sense now but a lot of kree mythology is im AOS and it is good to know that most kree only thing of Earth as a backwater world with resources (gravitonium) and failed experiments (inhumans). Earth didnt help the kree.

5) There was no easter eggs about cpt marvel in gotg that I know of then again I dont know what you expect.

6) Honestly would have to rewatch but I dont quite remember shields reaction. It might be a subtle retcon but I dont remember anything specifically in either of those movies co tradicring vaptain marvel.


May 1, 2012
Bay Area
3) Ahh. I see you didnt watch Captain Marvel. The skrulls as bad guys was a red herring.

Just watched it 2 days ago actually.. I just mixed up the names/factions, just swap the rest of my post with kree/skrull

Thanos is the most powerful being in the galaxy and a tyrannical despot. Ronan is a galactic space police of a corrupt aloen empire. They had a Hitler/Stalin relationship with Thanos having the upper hand. Their relationship in GOTG is purely political. They werent friends, buddies, master-pupil, or anything even mutually positive. The moment it didnt suit ronan he went back on their loose alliance with a semi common goal and planned to use the stone to destory xander AND Thanos afterwards. I dont know why you believe Ronan would tell Thanos about captain marvel at all especially considering he was attemtping weaponize her. You must have completely misundertood Ronan and Thanos's dynamic.

I didnt get this vibe at all from Guardians of The Galaxy

4) Obviously you know this makes no sense now but a lot of kree mythology is im AOS and it is good to know that most kree only thing of Earth as a backwater world with resources (gravitonium) and failed experiments (inhumans). Earth didnt help the kree.

again, just replace kree and skrulls in my post, i confused the names

6) Honestly would have to rewatch but I dont quite remember shields reaction. It might be a subtle retcon but I dont remember anything specifically in either of those movies co tradicring vaptain marvel.

The entire Thor movie and Avengers basis was on "we need to defend ourselves in the future from powerful beings like this".. :dwillhuh:

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
I watched Captain Marvel late , the first marvel movies I had questions about but unfortunely the captain marvel thread is complete trash, literally the last 50 pages or so is just arguing over box office numbers (thought that doesnt happen here @hex :usure: ) and got tired of looking for the answers.. maybe they can answer them here

-Why was she able to handle the tesseract? Arent the stones supposed to kill anyone instantly if they touch them? I originally thought she was made from it, but she really wasnt

-A young Ronan appears and sees her power.. but mentions nothing of it later on in the Guardians of Galaxy, is it safe to assume hes warned Thanos of her? And thanos will be prepared for her in End Game? Seems kind of a conversation to pop up over the past 30 years between them since Ronan was a general or whatever for Thanos? "Hey I met this girl she glowed and shyt and wiped out my army and ships in seconds on Earth" seems like a conversation that would of happened..

-If shes been away for... 20? 30 years? Fighting the Skrulls, she failed to killed Ronan in 30 years? or even fight him again? Wasnt he supreme leader of Skulls or whatever? If Ronan was fighting her the past 30 years or so, why was he so easily defeated/ill prepared for Guardians of The Galaxy?

-Was their an easter egg for her in Guardians of The Galaxy if her story ties in with it more than the Avengers story? Did I miss it?

-So Earth saves the Kree and the leader, and over the past 30 years they havnt reached out to help Earth or the Avengers? They know who Nick Fury is

-The foreshadowing done in Captain Marvel kind of makes Iron Man and Thor origin stories make no sense.. since SHIELD was well aware of outside powers decades before :dwillhuh: Thor origin story gives off the vibe that this is the 1st time theyve seen cosmic power :dwillhuh:

No one was arguing over box office numbers:gucci:

But to answer you

-I don’t recall her handling it as a human.... she just got blasted from the power of it and survived..... no different than Banner hit with a Gamma explosion and getting his powers it Flash with chemicals why being struck by lighting

-If you recall, Ronan was a begrudged General or whatever for Thanos and he hated him. Just like when he got that one stone and thought he was ready to take down Thanos maybe he didn’t say shyt cuz he’d hope she’d take him out so he can rule, either way Thanos is arrogant and he probably ain’t give a shyt. Maybe they did talk..... but we can be all “drivel and force fed” it


-She was a human that acquired powers and they met some aliens. Thor is a GOD and the first GOD they every met, so naturally a new entity like that would have you like :what: “there’s more?”



May 1, 2012
Bay Area
No one was arguing over box office numbers
The LAST 50 PAGES are people arguing over billion box office numbers :gucci: yall really act holier than thou in this sub forum like its any different then xbox vs ps4 debates :mjlol:

She was a human that acquired powers and they met some aliens.

what? I thought the ENTIRE point of them showing her surviving multiple incidents from child to the air plane crash without a scratch on her (the go kart exploding, her falling 30 feet from the rope, the air plane crash) showed that she was the chosen one born with super powers and that the explosion was to give her cosmic super powers... isnt that the ENTIRE point of the scientist choosing HER to fly her because "she was special" :dwillhuh:

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
The LAST 50 PAGES are people arguing over billion box office numbers :gucci: yall really act holier than thou in this sub forum like its any different then xbox vs ps4 debates :mjlol:

what? I thought the ENTIRE point of them showing her surviving multiple incidents from child to the air plane crash without a scratch on her (the go kart exploding, her falling 30 feet from the rope, the air plane crash) showed that she was the chosen one born with super powers and that the explosion was to give her cosmic super powers... isnt that the ENTIRE point of the scientist choosing HER to fly her because "she was special" :dwillhuh:

:russ: You must didn’t read and wasn’t around for the Aquaman thread.

Cuz what I saw was more celebratory like how fans of that movie celebrated. But just on a much lower scale....... like -80%

Now there was one guy who was the main DC stan/Marvel hater that was trynna popped off and dismiss but didn’t really see no arguments

And stan wars keep the threads poppin:wow:

The areas with no wars are the most boring places of the coli that no one ever really goes to

Regarding the movie, I think it was just showing her backstory of how she was courageous and never gave up that lead her to becoming the women she needed to become



May 1, 2012
Bay Area
Regarding the movie, I think it was just showing her backstory of how she was courageous and never gave up that lead her to becoming the women she needed to become
You didnt notice the go kart explode while she was just stepping out of it? Or when she failed the rope climb the banter in the back is "you are going to die" right before she missed? She was 100% unscratched from the air plane crash, while the scientist (alien) was bleeding and badly injured.. things that should of killed her but she was unscratched in all of them.. I thought thats what they were alluding to that she was always the one but the explosion gave her cosmic powers but she was the chosen one for them anyway

the scientist even said she was special.. thats why she chose to ride with her and no one else..

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
You didnt notice the go kart explode while she was just stepping out of it? Or when she failed the rope climb the banter in the back is "you are going to die" right before she missed? She was 100% unscratched from the air plane crash, while the scientist (alien) was bleeding and badly injured.. things that should of killed her but she was unscratched in all of them.. I thought thats what they were alluding to that she was always the one but the explosion gave her cosmic powers but she was the chosen one for them anyway

the scientist even said she was special.. thats why she chose to ride with her and no one else..

:russ: That’s just movies man...... in Crank, Chelios fell from a fukking helicopter that was flying above skyscrapers.

Landed on a car and bounced on the concrete..... and survived.:wow:

It’s just movie shyt:pachaha:

Mar 23, 2013
Another hero or anit hero I want to return to the big screen is Spawn. Last I hear Jamie Fox was going to play spawn. I wonder if they still making this movie. Another movie I wanna see hit the big screen but I want them to pick another guy for this role is gambit. I don’t like ol dude from 21 jump street playing this role ....or rumored to play gambit.
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