The Official "American Idol Season 12" Thread

Libra Lady

All Star
May 17, 2012
On the Edge of Glory
can you recap what he said? I missed it :snoop:

He said that he was speaking for all the judges as it pertained to Candice, because she can really SANG! He then added, and this is a singing competition. Shade towards Minaj or a possible reach on my part?- but we all know she was more for a 'entertainer' than a true 'vocalist'.

Libra Lady

All Star
May 17, 2012
On the Edge of Glory


Libra Lady

All Star
May 17, 2012
On the Edge of Glory
I really liked Tenna, but I knew she wasn't going to make the Top 10. Kree's place was inevitable, considering all of the overt praising. She is a good singer, but I'm not moved by her voice. Meh.
May 1, 2012
I'mma need for some of those ladies in the front row to make it :whew:

breh, i was thinking about how they leave off 3 sexy ass redbones??? i thought sex sells? :wtf:

Natural dark skin ladies won for once with the "whitney houston" long leg girl and that tall fat bytch making the top 10 over 3 dymepieces:heh:

I hope that Charlie don't kill himself :sadcam:

I rewinded that moment back like 4 times because he felt he had the sympathy vote for the season seeing he is an anti social nerd. The way dude was hyping himself up that one week and then doing a total 180 with this "dark classic rocker" shyt was priceless!

as soon as he noticied the judges turned on him, dude went to "plan B" and said some shyt like...

"sometimes you just dont feel like smiling and your not always happy inside" :sadbron:

i was looking at that "carrot top cac" like :umad: My nikka Ryan had to give him a pep talk so when he kills himself after the show, The show couldnt get sued


random sidenotes

1. Im pulling for my nikka "Burnell Taylor" to win it all

2. Curtis Finch Jr is a good singer but man he looks like a fat fakkit who thinks he shyt dont stink. I didnt forget about him being all fakkitry during group week

3. Angie Miller got put through as soon as she mentioned she had ties to that one cac rocker from last year. You know that punk rock community tries to stick together.

4. So they put the stuttering fakkit and the fat white "Adele" bytch in for the sympathy for the show? :childplease:

and goddamn, what a fukking clusterfukk that top 10 show was. Ryan running his midget ass from the stage to the green room was :snoop:

and has there ever been a time where America voted for someone who was completely shytted on by the judges? I only watch this show to see if America would put through a person who clearly was good but may have fukked up on the last song

ala "bald headed black dude" Vincent, bad song choice got him sent home


May 7, 2012
breh, i was thinking about how they leave off 3 sexy ass redbones??? i thought sex sells? :wtf:

Natural dark skin ladies won for once with the "whitney houston" long leg girl and that tall fat bytch making the top 10 over 3 dymepieces:heh:

I rewinded that moment back like 4 times because he felt he had the sympathy vote for the season seeing he is an anti social nerd. The way dude was hyping himself up that one week and then doing a total 180 with this "dark classic rocker" shyt was priceless!

as soon as he noticied the judges turned on him, dude went to "plan B" and said some shyt like...

"sometimes you just dont feel like smiling and your not always happy inside" :sadbron:

i was looking at that "carrot top cac" like :umad: My nikka Ryan had to give him a pep talk so when he kills himself after the show, The show couldnt get sued


random sidenotes

1. Im pulling for my nikka "Burnell Taylor" to win it all

2. Curtis Finch Jr is a good singer but man he looks like a fat fakkit who thinks he shyt dont stink. I didnt forget about him being all fakkitry during group week

3. Angie Miller got put through as soon as she mentioned she had ties to that one cac rocker from last year. You know that punk rock community tries to stick together.

4. So they put the stuttering fakkit and the fat white "Adele" bytch in for the sympathy for the show?


and goddamn, what a fukking clusterfukk that top 10 show was. Ryan running his midget ass from the stage to the green room was


and has there ever been a time where America voted for someone who was completely shytted on by the judges? I only watch this show to see if America would put through a person who clearly was good but may have fukked up on the last song

ala "bald headed black dude" Vincent, bad song choice got him sent home

exactly! :wtf:

how the fukk you gon leave off those redbones man :beli:

fukkin America