Essential The Official "All Things One Piece" Thread (The Final Saga Has Started))


Apr 2, 2017
New Orleans
What gets me is how One Piece went from a joke in America to most watched show on Netflix in a live action adaptation. I just…wow. :wow:

The new breed has no idea how bad it was for us. One Piece got 4kids dubbed and turn into a joke and that was cancelled. Then the funimation dub after that was cancelled by Cartoo Network. OP for the longest time was relegated to just manga and dust heads. Being an American OP fan for the longest was basically “how much are you willing to suffer for your love?” situation. So now with all this success it really makes an OG OP fan really sit back and appreciate what we got now.

There’s some things I don’t like about the new fandom like the constant power level shyt they throw at OP as if it’s DBZ or people not having patience when back in the day we had to wait for batches of OP manga in the form of Null irc zips. But those are small negatives compared to seeing someone wear a Strawhat Luffy shirt on a random day.
If 4Kids never got the rights first it would be Dragon Ball status over here

Crazy how big One Piece is everywhere else but here


Apr 2, 2017
New Orleans
Anyways I’ve now officially been reading and watching One Piece 20 years.

At the time, One Piece was decidedly unpopular. I was heavy into Naruto at the time. 2003 was the year of Naruto the way 2002 was the year of Love Hina. I saw some One Piece in Shounen Jump mag at the time and a few friends were fans of it. We would play One Piece Grand Battle and I didn’t know who was who. People HATED OP’s art style because it wasn’t traditional anime with big eyes and was more cartoony and western and silly.

I graduated High School in May 2004 and as a treat the boys and I drove to A-Kon in Dallas. While there I got four things: an Excel Saga full series box set, all of FLCL on dvd which was one of my favorite anime series, Azumanga Daioh box set, and the first volume of One Piece manga. I loved all of them but what captivated me the most was One Piece. I finished the first volume in one sitting and had to have more so I got more volumes. I wanted to check out the anime and back then the only real anime option was Kaizoku fansubs because OP hadn’t been officially licensed yet.

On EBay I saw some box sets for OP up until the end of Alabasta arc. At that point the series was in SkyPiea and the manga just finished SkyPiea. These were Chinese knockoff sets with high quality video. The translations were so bad. Hellmeppo was translated into Bellhumayber. Sanji was called Sunkist. Luffy was Roof. I beared with it and still got the story despite these awful translations. I eventually caught up and had to go into the trenches of going on to irc and download fan translations from the Null IRC channel using terms like dir and cd. We were in the trenches back then. :wow:

I tried, tried, tried to get so many folks into OP beyond the small group of people that knew it was cool to no avail. “The art style looks awful.” Then the 4kids dub dropped and made it even worse.

To see OP go from maligned and hated to loved in America is a sight to see but it took a long, long time and a lot of love to get where we are today.

I mentioned Naruto earlier in this post but at the time in the manga it was the Tsunade search arc and for the longest time Naruto was soooooooooo much more boring compared to One Piece. I went from a Naruto diehard to One Piece diehard. Once Water 7 started it was a wrap for me.

I can’t believe its been 20 years.
I remember first seeing One Piece

Wrote it off because of what 4Kids did to it

Then it gets put on the Reboot of Toonami and was:ohhh:

After it got pulled from Toonami I started watching on my own eventually caught up to the sub episodes while reading the manga at the same time

Became one of my all time favorite shows

Glad to see it getting the respect it deserves :wow:
Sep 15, 2015


Saw these on reddit. They're really well done.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
Anyways I’ve now officially been reading and watching One Piece 20 years.

At the time, One Piece was decidedly unpopular. I was heavy into Naruto at the time. 2003 was the year of Naruto the way 2002 was the year of Love Hina. I saw some One Piece in Shounen Jump mag at the time and a few friends were fans of it. We would play One Piece Grand Battle and I didn’t know who was who. People HATED OP’s art style because it wasn’t traditional anime with big eyes and was more cartoony and western and silly.

I graduated High School in May 2004 and as a treat the boys and I drove to A-Kon in Dallas. While there I got four things: an Excel Saga full series box set, all of FLCL on dvd which was one of my favorite anime series, Azumanga Daioh box set, and the first volume of One Piece manga. I loved all of them but what captivated me the most was One Piece. I finished the first volume in one sitting and had to have more so I got more volumes. I wanted to check out the anime and back then the only real anime option was Kaizoku fansubs because OP hadn’t been officially licensed yet.

On EBay I saw some box sets for OP up until the end of Alabasta arc. At that point the series was in SkyPiea and the manga just finished SkyPiea. These were Chinese knockoff sets with high quality video. The translations were so bad. Hellmeppo was translated into Bellhumayber. Sanji was called Sunkist. Luffy was Roof. I beared with it and still got the story despite these awful translations. I eventually caught up and had to go into the trenches of going on to irc and download fan translations from the Null IRC channel using terms like dir and cd. We were in the trenches back then. :wow:

I tried, tried, tried to get so many folks into OP beyond the small group of people that knew it was cool to no avail. “The art style looks awful.” Then the 4kids dub dropped and made it even worse.

To see OP go from maligned and hated to loved in America is a sight to see but it took a long, long time and a lot of love to get where we are today.

I mentioned Naruto earlier in this post but at the time in the manga it was the Tsunade search arc and for the longest time Naruto was soooooooooo much more boring compared to One Piece. I went from a Naruto diehard to One Piece diehard. Once Water 7 started it was a wrap for me.

I can’t believe its been 20 years.
Damn so much of this is a throwback, I remember turning on the torrent before going to school to download those Kaizoku fansubs episodes. :wow:

I had a very similar experience. My friends were mostly DBZ fans and only one other friend liked One Piece. I was initially turned off by the humor and art style but that one friend swore it was flames.

I started getting into manga from Shaman King because someone at school said the comic version was so much rawer than the anime cuz Manta got dissected Alice and I had to read it. My friend was already a few volumes deep on OP. I let him borrow my HxH books in exchange for the first couple volumes of OP. It suddenly clicked for me and I fell in love with it at some point. We would go to Barnes and Nobles & Borders during our mall rat days and I'd read OP and Black Cat. Like you, Naruto fell off a fukking cliff quality wise after the first rescue Sasuke arc.

Outside of my one homie, nobody in my friend group fukked with OP. To this day my best friend still asks me "Has ya man become King of the Pirates yet? :troll: "

I also had a friend who had One Piece Grand Battle, that game was the shyt lowkey. I mained Usopp and Sanji lol.

It took forever but seeing the GOAT finally get it's flowers is heartwarming. During COVID I used to have it playing in the background on Netflix while I was learning to code. I like to think that I contributed to the live action getting greenlit lol. The come up has been a joy to behold.

:salute: to a fellow OG pirate


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
Damn so much of this is a throwback, I remember turning on the torrent before going to school to download those Kaizoku fansubs episodes. :wow:

I had a very similar experience. My friends were mostly DBZ fans and only one other friend liked One Piece. I was initially turned off by the humor and art style but that one friend swore it was flames.

I started getting into manga from Shaman King because someone at school said the comic version was so much rawer than the anime cuz Manta got dissected Alice and I had to read it. My friend was already a few volumes deep on OP. I let him borrow my HxH books in exchange for the first couple volumes of OP. It suddenly clicked for me and I fell in love with it at some point. We would go to Barnes and Nobles & Borders during our mall rat days and I'd read OP and Black Cat. Like you, Naruto fell off a fukking cliff quality wise after the first rescue Sasuke arc.

Outside of my one homie, nobody in my friend group fukked with OP. To this day my best friend still asks me "Has ya man become King of the Pirates yet? :troll: "

I also had a friend who had One Piece Grand Battle, that game was the shyt lowkey. I mained Usopp and Sanji lol.

It took forever but seeing the GOAT finally get it's flowers is heartwarming. During COVID I used to have it playing in the background on Netflix while I was learning to code. I like to think that I contributed to the live action getting greenlit lol. The come up has been a joy to behold.

:salute: to a fellow OG pirate

It's crazy...I don't think we'll ever see anything quite like One Piece.

I got into it sometime in my late teens (maybe 18 or 19) and by the time it's over I'll be well into my 40s :wow:

One Piece ending will actually be a legit significant event in world history :wow: hundreds of millions of people waiting to find out what the One Piece is
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The Guru

May 2, 2012
What gets me is how One Piece went from a joke in America to most watched show on Netflix in a live action adaptation. I just…wow. :wow:

The new breed has no idea how bad it was for us. One Piece got 4kids dubbed and turn into a joke and that was cancelled. Then the funimation dub after that was cancelled by Cartoo Network. OP for the longest time was relegated to just manga and dust heads. Being an American OP fan for the longest was basically “how much are you willing to suffer for your love?” situation. So now with all this success it really makes an OG OP fan really sit back and appreciate what we got now.

There’s some things I don’t like about the new fandom like the constant power level shyt they throw at OP as if it’s DBZ or people not having patience when back in the day we had to wait for batches of OP manga in the form of Null irc zips. But those are small negatives compared to seeing someone wear a Strawhat Luffy shirt on a random day.
One piece was "that show with the stupid opening" and the show that replaced cigarettes with lolly pops. Now we on top :wow:

Space Cowboy

Christ is King
Mar 11, 2022
Damn so much of this is a throwback, I remember turning on the torrent before going to school to download those Kaizoku fansubs episodes. :wow:

I had a very similar experience. My friends were mostly DBZ fans and only one other friend liked One Piece. I was initially turned off by the humor and art style but that one friend swore it was flames.

I started getting into manga from Shaman King because someone at school said the comic version was so much rawer than the anime cuz Manta got dissected Alice and I had to read it. My friend was already a few volumes deep on OP. I let him borrow my HxH books in exchange for the first couple volumes of OP. It suddenly clicked for me and I fell in love with it at some point. We would go to Barnes and Nobles & Borders during our mall rat days and I'd read OP and Black Cat. Like you, Naruto fell off a fukking cliff quality wise after the first rescue Sasuke arc.

Outside of my one homie, nobody in my friend group fukked with OP. To this day my best friend still asks me "Has ya man become King of the Pirates yet? :troll: "

I also had a friend who had One Piece Grand Battle, that game was the shyt lowkey. I mained Usopp and Sanji lol.

It took forever but seeing the GOAT finally get it's flowers is heartwarming. During COVID I used to have it playing in the background on Netflix while I was learning to code. I like to think that I contributed to the live action getting greenlit lol. The come up has been a joy to behold.

:salute: to a fellow OG pirate
OPGB 1 and 2 still the best OP games. FIGHT ME :damn:

He Who Posts Well

May 27, 2012

It now makes sense as to why Vegapunk was phased in the robot at the start. :krs:

With all (or most) the elders focused on the robot, I am sure Luffy and co, will be able to make their escape.

The elder worm really just vacuumed up all the CP-0 henchmen. :huhldup:

I was thinking that Stussy might join the Straw Hats but maybe she will help the CP-0 get off the Island?