Essential The Official "All Things One Piece" Thread (The Final Saga Has Started))


All Star
Dec 12, 2019
What part of Water 7? Assuming you got to at least Episode 236...

You have to admit he put in work against Luffy :wow:

Even if he wasn't in the right and was being emotional, dude put up an impressive fight
I'm up to 240, hahaha I didn't even look at it like putting in work with his Uncle Magic middle school party trick abilities. I guess this is his character development.


Apr 2, 2017
New Orleans
  • Cover Story: Kinemon is making a request to Yamato
  • Nusjuro defeats all Pacifistas.
  • Yorks lead Mars to the monitor room, and it's destroyed. The broadcast doesn't end. Mars notices a sound a goes after it.
  • Luffy vs Ju Peter, Luffy attacks Warcury too, but gets hurt instead.
  • Bonney is fightning the Marines, Nusjuro appears.
  • Mars reaches punk Record at the end of the chapter. Says : "You have no luck, Vegapunk." but then something catches his eye and he stares at it.


Apr 2, 2017
New Orleans
Chapter 1,112: “Hard Aspect” (“ハード アスペクト in japanese). In astrology, an “aspect is an angle that planets make to each other in the horoscope

  • Ogre Child Yamato’s Golden Harvest Surrogate Pilgrimage, Vol. 3: “In Flower Capital castle, Kinemon gives Yamato some money and asks for a favor.
  • Chapter starts with a Marine report saying all remaining Pacifistas in Egghead Island have been defeated (not mention in the report, but Nusjuro defeated them).
  • In the Northeast coast, Franky defeats. Vice Admiral Red King with “Strong Right” attack, Bonney turns Vice Admiral Pomsky into a kid and kicks him. Vice Admiral Guillotine is shocked by how cruel is Bonney.
  • No Zoro and Jinbe in this chapter.
  • In the laboratory, York leads Mars to the room with monitors where Vegapunk’s message began to be broadcast. Mars shots a huge beam to destroy the room in an instant but the broadcast doesn’t stop.
  • York explains that the real source of the broadcast is a newest version of Den Den Mushi created by Vegapunk called “Haishin Den Den Mushi” (配信デンデン虫 Distribution Den Den Mushi) that it’s hidden somewhere else.
  • Mars plans to destroy the whole laboratory to eliminate that “Haishin Den Den Mushi” quickly. But York stops him saying that the ”Weapon Development Floor” and the “Power Plant” are also here. And if the laboratory is destroyed, the destruction will be so strong that it would destroy “Punk Records” too.
  • While they talk, Mars senses a small “voice” coming from “Punk Records”. He thinks it must be that new Den Den Mushi so he flies up towards there.
  • Cut to Stussy and Kaku, he’s already conscious. Kaku asks Stussy if she has been abandoned by Straw Hat crew just after she betrayed CPO for them. Stussy chose to remain here to complete my last job. I will shut down “Fronteir Dome” while Straw Hat crew escapes.”
  • Cut to Nami group. Usopp has prepared “Coup de Burst” in the Sunny, but without “Vega Force 01”, the Sunny can’t fly far enough to get to the sea. Edison says to trust him and then he flies away to go through The barrier.
  • Edison: “External damage simulation at 78%!! I won’t die yet!! Here I go…”
  • Cut to Luffy group. Ju Peter sucks air into his mouth with such force that Luffy, Dorry and Brogy can’t move forward and they are pulled back (Luffy’s face is very funny again). But Luffy has an idea.
  • Luffy: “D-d-d-d… Damn you!! If you are so hungry… How about you eat this building!!!"
  • Luffy kicks an entire building to separate it from the ground, and then he throws it into Ju Peter’s mouth.
  • After that, Luffy runs out of energy and changes to old man Luffy. Brogy gives him Elbaf’s special emergency food called “Hákarl” (based Ion a national dish of Iceland consisting of fermented shark meat).
  • Luffy doesn’t find “Hákarl” delicious at all, but he immediately turns back to his normal form (not Gear 5).
  • Warcury is chasing after them, so Luffy uses “Gomu Gomu no Red Roc” on Warcury’s head but ends up Hurting his own fist since Warcury’s head is too tough.
  • Cut to “Labo Phase”. Saturn is climbing up to the cloud, we can see his legs reaching where Nami group is.
  • Cut to the Northeast coast, to Bonney group again. One of the giants is cut down suddenly. Nusjuro appears, standing in front of Elbaf’s ship (Nusjuro is scary in this panel).
  • Bonney: “Huh!? Who are you!?
  • Cut to “Punk Records” in the last page of the chapter, Mars turns back to human form and walks inside while Vegapunk’s message is still emitting. Shaka: “Stella we have I minute left.”
  • Vegapunk: “I know that!!”
  • Mars finds “Haishin Den Den Mushi on the floor of a dark room.
  • Mars: “So this it…You are out of luck, Vegapunk.”
  • Suddenly, Mars hears something strange (ゴボボ japanese sound effect, that is used for bubbles or liquids). Mars looks up and observes something with serious face….