Foster not even hiding what he was trying to do with his coaching staff. I want him to succeed at UCLA
That lone nepotism hire

Foster not even hiding what he was trying to do with his coaching staff. I want him to succeed at UCLA
What was the point of posting an obviously fake quote?
Foster not even hiding what he was trying to do with his coaching staff. I want him to succeed at UCLA
If Saban was still around Jakeem Stewart would be a Bama lean, that’s where LSU is benefiting the most from his retirement no longer is he going to come in the state and take top recruits the days of Devonta Smith and Eddie Lacy going to Bama are over
Yea they don’t award 5* till a certain date I guess they try to make an event out of itQuestion tho... why isn't the #1 overall recruit in the nation a 5*? Too early in the ranking process or something?
Urban really did this shyt like he wasn’t on Live Ass TV
Gotta have that diversity hireThat lone nepotism hire![]()
Question tho... why isn't the #1 overall recruit in the nation a 5*? Too early in the ranking process or something?
Urban really did this shyt like he wasn’t on Live Ass TV
Mention my name 1 more time slutDo it honestly matter, and I’m not being glib, when it’s all said and done if you good you good
Clown ass Ohio nikkas word to @smitty22
Mention my name 1 more time slut![]()
You know how the leader of the Coli Black Republican Caucus feels about that.You can’t slut Shame me sir, my body my rights![]()